


I have a table which I get sampling values: AeroSamples

id    time    temperature    pressure    humidity


I sample the values at a 5 minute period. Before inserting a new row into the table, I check if the last row's temperature, pressure and humidity values are same with current values. If so, I do not want to add a new row. Else A new record could be added.


SELECT temperature, pressure, humidity FROM AeroSamples ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1


When I get the last values, I compare three fields with current values which is the way I do not like:

if($row["temperature"] !== $curTemp || $row["pressure"] !== $curPres || $row["humidity"] !== $curHumi)
    $db->prepare("INSERT INTO AeroSamples (temperature, pressure, humidity) VALUES(:t,:p,:h)");


How can I do this SQL only?

ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ...对我有帮助吗?我不这么认为.因为我不确定一次是否对多个字段都有效.

Does ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... help me? I do not think so. Because I am not sure if it is valid for multiple fields at a time.


先前的值相同,因为时间不同. las.

The previous values will not be the same, because the time is different. Alas.

您可以使用insert . . . select语法执行此操作.这个想法是选择最后插入的行,并使用where子句来过滤行.当值相同时,过滤器将不返回任何行(因此也不会插入):

You can do this using the insert . . . select syntax. The idea is to select the last row inserted and use a where clause to filter the rows. The filter will return no rows (and hence no insert) when the values are the same:

insert into AeroSamples(temperature, pressure, humidity)
    select :t, :p, :h
    from (select temperature, pressure, humidity
          from AeroSamples
          order by id desc
          limit 1
         ) as1
    where as1.temperature <> :t or as1.pressure <> :p or as1.humidity <> :h;


08-24 19:04