我一直在尝试将我的源代码从eclipse / ADT复制粘贴到MS Word,并保留格式。但是我无法在每行代码旁边复制行号,即使我在窗口 - >下查看
偏好 - >一般 - >编辑 - >文本编辑器
I've been trying to copy-paste my source code for a few java classes from eclipse/ADT to MS Word, and the formatting is retained. But I'm unable to copy the line numbers next to each line of code, and even if I check Show Line Numbers
under Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors
, it still doesn't paste.
我缺少什么? (我搜索了一段时间,但没有找到任何东西...如果有什么东西解决这个,我没有看到它,抱歉)
What am I missing? (I searched around for some time but haven't found anything... if there's anything on SO that addresses this, I haven't seen it, sorry)
Depending on your eclipse version, lines numbers will be added or not, if you activated the 'Show line numbers' option.
If it doesn't work with your eclipse version, there is a simple solution :
- 展开您的文件中的所有代码(Ctrl + Numpad_Multiply) ,
- 选择所有内容(Ctrl + A),
- copy&粘贴到您的新Word文档
- 在页面布局中,将行号设置为连续。
- expand all your code in your file (Ctrl+Numpad_Multiply),
- select everything (Ctrl+A),
- copy & paste in your new Word document,
- in 'Page Layout', set 'Line Numbers' to 'Continuous'.