

我想获取 datagridview 列的总和并在文本框中显示.每次输入后,总和应动态更改.为此,我正在使用文本框的 textChanged 事件,但是当输入时它不显示任何结果.我想在文本框中动态获取结果.我想避免使用求和按钮.

I want to get the sum of a column of datagridview and show that in textbox. After each entry the sum should be changed dynamically. For that I am using textChanged event of a textbox but when the entry is made it does not show any result. I want to get the result dynamically in the textbox. I want to avoid the use of button for sum.

这是文本框 textChanged 事件的一段代码:

Here is a piece of code for the textbox textChanged event:

private void textBox9_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double sum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView2.Rows.Count; ++i)
                sum += Convert.ToDouble(dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value);
            textBox9.Text = sum.ToString();


你的代码是正确的,但是我把它放在 CellValueChanged 事件中并检查以确保它是你正在寻找的同一个单元格为了.如果单元格的值发生更改,或者添加新行并随后获得分配的值,这将被触发.

You've got your code right, but instead I've put it in the CellValueChanged event and check to make sure it was the same cell you're looking for. This will get fired if the cell's value changes, or if a new row is added and subsequently gets a value assigned.

    private void dataGridView2_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
        if (e.ColumnIndex == 5)
            textBox9.Text = CellSum().ToString();

    private double CellSum()
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView2.Rows.Count; ++i)
            double d = 0;
            Double.TryParse(dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value.ToString(), out d);
            sum += d;
        return sum;

我将您的逻辑拆分为一个单独的方法,因此如果您想获得其他东西的总和,您可以简单地调用该方法.我想您可以只阅读 textbox.Text,但是...

I split up your logic into a separate method, so incase you ever want to get the sum for something else, you can simply call that method. I suppose you could just read textbox.Text, but...

我还使用了 Double.TryParse,因为它提供了一些基本保护,以防给定单元格中的值实际上不是数字.我不知道数据的来源是什么(用户输入/来自外部来源?)所以我想我会添加一些保护.

I've also used Double.TryParse as it provides some basic protection incase the value in that given cell is not actually a number. I don't know what the source of the data is (user entered / from an outside source?) so I figured I'd add a little protection.

编辑格兰特提出了一个很好的观点,编辑了我的解决方案以包含正在修改的单元格值.我使用了 CellValueChanged 事件而不是 CellEndEdit,以防用户以外的东西可以改变它的值.

Edit Grant raises a great point, editted my solution to include cell value being modified. I used the CellValueChanged event instead of CellEndEdit, incase something other than the user can change its value.


08-22 22:55