To add javascript, you can use:
But what if I just want to add html at the end of my page. I.e. Add a div with some text in it at the end of the page?
如果您希望改变是以主题为基础的,但如果你想要这个来自一个模块,使用块区域,页面模板或页面预处理将不会削减它,因为你把这个修改与主题相关联。 strong>
A lot of suggestions here work if you want your alteration to be theme-based, but if you want this to come from a module, using a block region, page template or page prepocess won't cut it, because you're tying the alteration to the theme.
From a modular standpoint, the following options are best:
hook_footer() - :: my_module_footer()应该返回一个HTML字符串,甚至可以是javascript。例如。
hook_footer() -- http://api.drupal.org/api/function/hook_footer/6 :: my_module_footer() should return a string of HTML, which can even be javascript. E.g.
function my_module_footer(){
return "<script type='text/javascript'>//your script</script>"
您可以使用drupal $ _GET ['q']获取页面URL,并将该返回值作为页面URL的条件。
You can use drupal $_GET['q'] to get the page URL and have that return be conditional for the page URL.
否则,我有时会使用$ GLOBALS [_ add_my_footer]作为布尔值,并将其设置在模块的各个点,然后在hook_footer()中查看是否是真的。
Otherwise, I sometimes use $GLOBALS["_add_my_footer"] as a boolean, and set it at various points in the module, then in hook_footer(), see if it is true.
drupal_add_js - api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes --common.inc / function / drupal_add_js / 6 ::您可以通过将$ scope参数设置为footer来将其添加到页脚中 - 例如
drupal_add_js -- api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes--common.inc/function/drupal_add_js/6 :: You can use this to add javascript to the footer by setting the $scope parameter to "footer" -- e.g.
function my_module_init(){
$script = "your script "; // notice no <script> tags
drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', 'footer');
// you can also use this function to grab a .js file
$注意,我把这个drupal_add_js放在hook_init()中 - 我这样做,因为如果没有,那么当使用Drupal的侵略性缓存功能时,脚本可能会丢失
Note that I put that drupal_add_js into hook_init() -- I did that because if you don't, the script could get lost when using Drupal's aggressive caching feature.
不幸的是,drupal_add_css没有$ scope参数
Unfortunately, there is no $scope parameter for drupal_add_css