

我有一个使用实体框架的WEB API 2调用.如果我使用DateTime.Now从数据库读取的实体中更新了DateTime列,并将其序列化到客户端,则我从数据库收到的具有DateTime的列具有3个毫秒数,但是我在C#代码中更新的带有DateTime的列有6位数字.下面是我的控制器中的C#代码:

I have a WEB API 2 call, with Entity Framework. If I update a DateTime column from my entity that I read from the database with DateTime.Now, and I serialize it to the client, the column with DateTime that I received from the database has 3 numbers for the milliseconds, but the column with DateTime that I updated in the C# code has 6 digits. Below is the C# code in my controller:

[Route("{id:long}/updatedatetime", Name = "UpdateDateTimeByID")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> UpdateDateTimeByID(int id)
        ClGroup clGroup = await db.ClGroups.FindAsync(id);
        if (clGroup == null)
        return NotFound();
        clGroup.DtUpdate = DateTime.Now;

        await db.SaveChangesAsync();
        var groupReturn = mapper.Map<ClGroupModel>(clGroup);
        return Ok(groupReturn);


Below is the JSON that is serialized back to the client

  "CdGroup": 1,
  "NmGroup": "Grupo 1",
  "DcGroup": "Primeiro Grupo",
  "DtInsert": "2016-07-03T22:18:52.257",
  "DtUpdate": "2016-07-12T13:31:08.2882558",
  "IdStatus": true


Is there a way so that the DtUpdate is serialized with 3 digits as well?I changed the formatter with the configuration below:

var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Unspecified;
json.SerializerSettings.DateFormatHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat;



使用 IsoDateTimeConverter 并在其上设置DateFormatString属性,如下所示:

Use an IsoDateTimeConverter and set the DateFormatString property on it like this:

var dateConverter = new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter
    DateTimeFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.fff'Z'"


The lowercase fff ensures the milliseconds portion is always exactly 3 digits long. In contrast, the default format uses uppercase FFFFFFF for the milliseconds, which includes up to seven digits of precision, but omits trailing zeros. This is why you are seeing varying lengths for the milliseconds.


See Custom Date and Time Format Strings in the .NET Framework documentation for more info on custom date formats.

