

我对类模板中的内部类有疑问。我有一个模板类(例如: Matrix< T> )和一个子类(例如: Matrix< T> :: Row )。现在,我想编写一个对子类实例进行操作的函数(例如: negate(Matrix< T> :: Row&))。我试图用 template< class T>声明函数。 negate(typename Matrix< T> :: Row&),但是当我尝试使用它时,编译器告诉我找不到匹配项。

I have a problem with inner classes in class templates. I have a template class (say: Matrix<T>), and a subclass (say: Matrix<T>::Row). Now I want to to write a function which operates on instances of the subclass (say: negate(Matrix<T>::Row &)). I tried to declare the function with template<class T> negate(typename Matrix<T>::Row &), but when I try to use it, the compiler tells me that it cannot find a match.


template<class T>
class A
    class B

template<class T>
void x(typename A<T>::B &)

int main()
    A<int>::B b;
    x(b); // doesn't work: Error: Could not find a match
          // for x<T>(A<int>::B) needed in main().
    x<int>(b); // works fine

为什么编译器无法找到 x 在第一种情况下?有没有办法修改它的工作原理(无需显式指定类型 int )?

Why does the compiler does not manage to find x in the first case? Is there a way to modify this that it works (without explicitly specifying the type int)?

(我也遇到类似的问题,其中 x 的形式为 template< class T ,类S> void x(typename A< T> :: B& ;, const S&); ,我真的不想在执行调用时被迫显式命名所有类型。)

(I also have similar problems where x is of the form template<class T, class S> void x(typename A<T>::B &, const S &);, whence I would really like not to be forced to explicitly name all types while doing the call.)

我已经使用g ++ 4.4.3,g ++ 4.5.2和Sun Studio 5.9尝试了全部相同的结果。

I have tried this with g++ 4.4.3, g++ 4.5.2, and Sun Studio 5.9, all give the same result. Thanks a lot in advance for anything helpful!



How should the compiler be able to deduce this? Imagine the following setup:

struct A { typedef int T; };
struct B { typedef int T; };

template <typename S> void foo(typename S::T);

现在,当您说 int x; foo(x); ,没有明确的匹配方法。

Now when you say int x; foo(x);, there's no way to match this unambiguously.


The point is that you are not deducing a template parameter from a given class template, but rather just an arbitrary, free-standing type. The fact that that type was defined inside another class is not relevant for that.


08-20 10:58