

$间隔的AngularJS文档提供了一个控制器使用 $间隔的一个实例来管理一个计时器,用户可以在视图中玩。您可以阅读。

The AngularJS documentation for $interval gives an example of using $interval in a controller to manage a timer that the user can play with in a view. You can read the code for the official example at the angularJS documentation page by clicking n this link.

我试图从这个例子控制器code搬回到一个服务,以便code可以更加模块化。但应用程序不连接服务的看法。我已经重新在,你可以用它来诊断并找出解决问题的办法。 因此需要将code至作出什么具体的变化上面允许用户通过视图中的服务进行交互?

All of the above code is assembled in "working" form in this plnkr that you can use to diagnose and identify the solution to the problem. So what specific changes need to be made to the code above to allow the user to interact with the service through the view?


首先,你没有注入$时间间隔为 mytimer 服务,并尝试使用它

First, you didn't inject the $interval to the mytimer service and did try to use it.

其次,你必须在 mytimer 服务范围的问题:

secondly, you had scope issues in the mytimer service:

stop = $interval(function() {
    if (this.blood_1 > 0 && this.blood_2 > 0) {
        this.blood_1 = $this.blood_1 - 3;
        this.blood_2 = $this.blood_2 - 4;
    } else {
}, 100);


指向一个新的范围。您可以使用绑定或使用在第5行声明的 $这种变量(在ES2015你可以简单地请使用箭头功能)。

when declaring a function you are creating a new scope, meaning the this is pointing to a new scope. you can either use bind or to use the $this variable you declared in line 5. (in ES2015 you could simply use the arrow function).

你也中声明的模块exampleController两次 app.js mytimer.js

also you declared the module exampleController twice in app.js and in mytimer.js.


Take a look at this working Plunker:

