本文介绍了在Microsoft Bot Framework中跨通道对用户进行身份验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想构建一个可以在多个渠道(如Skype,Team,SMS等)上使用的机器人.为此,我正在使用BotBuilder SDK.我想通过这些渠道对用户进行身份验证.在不要求他通过网页登录的情况下该如何处理?由于我已经登录了应用程序(例如Skype),如何根据上下文获取电子邮件地址或号码并进行隐式身份验证?

I want to build a bot which can be used over multiple channels like Skype, Teams, SMS etc. I am using the BotBuilder SDK for this. I would like to authenticate a user across these channels. How do I this without asking him to log in through a web page? Since I am already logged in application (say Skype),how can I fetch the email address or number depending on the context and authenticate implicitly?


If I choose to do this using OAuth, I would require the user to login at every conversation which I do not believe is the right way to go




Quick answer:

Every channel is specific and they don't provide a unique way to get information about the user.


You will not have a common information across channels like an email address or an ID, so you will have to build something to do what you want (probably asking the user is the only way...).


More details about what you got in some channels:

  • Facebook Messenger: "from": { "id": "1613014XXXXXXXXX", "name": "My Facebook Name" }


The ID is a PSID, for Page Scoped ID. It is not the User ID that you have in the URL of the user profile, it is specific to your Facebook Page hosting your bot

  • 松弛: "from": { "id": "U54xxxxxx:T53xxxxxx", "name": "nicolas" }


The ID is composed of the concatenation of Slack's User ID and Slack's Team ID. The name is my Slack's username

  • Skype: "from": { "id": "29:1DwlGVzj.....", "name": "My Skype Name" }


This ID is a specific to your bot, it is a hash but the way it is generated is not known (not open-source)

  • Skype for Business: "from": { "id": "nicolas-r@myCompany.com", "name": "My SkypeForBusiness Name" }


  • Microsoft团队: "from": { "id": "29:1ar5DN....", "name": "Nicolas R" }


Here it is similar to what we found on Skype, the ID is an unique ID specific to your bot, it is a hash but the way it is generated is not known (not open-source)

  • Twilio短信: "from": { "id": "+33600000000", "name": "+33600000000" }


The ID is the phone number of the user


==> As you can see, there is a lot to do to get something unique

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08-20 08:19