


Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function() {
     return this.length * this.width;


Rectangle.prototype = {
     getArea: function() {
          return this.length * this.width;


What are the differences and advantages of each of the methods above?


在第一种情况下,您新属性添加到现有对象,在第二种情况下,您覆盖 Rectangle.prototype 带有新值(对象)。

In the first case you are adding a new property to an existing object, in the second case you are overwriting Rectangle.prototype with a new value (object).


Overwriting the prototype has the following consequences:

  • Rectangle.prototype.constructor 未指向矩形了。当您使用对象文字时,它将指向对象。这可以通过分配

  • Rectangle.prototype.constructor does not point to Rectangle anymore. When you use an object literal, it will point to Object instead. This can easily by solved by assigning

Rectangle.prototype.constructor = Rectangle;

  • 您可能会丢失原型上的所有现有属性(除非您再次添加它们,例如构造函数)。

    的现有实例Rectangle 不会受到更改的影响。他们仍将引用旧原型而不继承新方法/属性。

    Existing instances of Rectangle will not be affected by the change. They will still reference the old prototype and don't inherit the new methods/properties.

    instanceof 现有实例(即 rect instanceof Rectangle )的测试将失败,因为 instanceof 比较原型,如前所述,现有实例保留对旧原型的引用。

    instanceof tests on existing instances (i.e. rect instanceof Rectangle) will fail, since instanceof compares prototypes and as mentioned in the previous point, existing instances keep their reference to the old prototype.


    If you set up the prototype before you create any instances then you don't have to concern yourself with the last three points.

    使用对象文字覆盖原型的唯一好处是简洁的语法。 IMO它不会超过缺点。

    The only advantage of overwriting the prototype using an object literal is the more concise syntax. IMO it does not outweigh the disadvantages though.


    You can use an object literal without overwriting the prototype by merging the two objects: How can I merge properties of two JavaScript objects dynamically?.


  • 08-19 13:29