我最近开始分析我使用VisualVM编写的osgi java应用程序。我注意到的一件事是,当应用程序开始向客户端发送数据时(通过JMS),加载的类的数量开始以稳定的速率增加。然而,堆大小和PermGen大小保持不变。即使在停止发送数据之后,类的数量也永远不会下降。这是内存泄漏吗?我认为是,因为加载的类必须存储在某个地方,但是即使在我运行应用程序几个小时后,堆和permgen也不会增加。
I recently began profiling an osgi java application that I am writing using VisualVM. One thing I have noticed is that when the application starts sending data to a client (over JMS), the number of loaded classes starts increasing at a steady rate. The Heap size and the PermGen size remains constant, however. The number of classes never falls, even after it stops sending data. Is this a memory leak? I think it is, because the loaded classes have to be stored somewhere, however the heap and permgen never increase even after I run the application for several hours.
For the screenshot of my profiling application go here
Thanks for your help. I figured out what the problem is. In one of my classes, I was using Jaxb to create an XML string. In doing this, JAXB ueses reflection to create a new class.
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(this.getClass());
So although the JAXBContext wasn't saying around in the heap, the classes had been loaded.
I have run my program again, and I see a normal plateau as I would expect.