本文介绍了Flink SQL 中跳跃窗口上的指数衰减移动平均值:铸造时间的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


现在我们在 Flink 中拥有带有花式窗口的 SQL,我试图将衰减的移动平均线引用为在未来的 Flink 版本中对于 Table API 和 SQL 的可能性".来自他们的 SQL 路线图/预览 2017-03 帖子:

Now we have SQL with fancy windowing in Flink, I'm trying to have the decaying moving average referred by "what will be possible in future Flink releases for both the Table API and SQL." from their SQL roadmap/preview 2017-03 post:

  .window(Slide over 1.hour every 1.second as 'w)
  .groupBy('productId, 'w)
    ('unitPrice * ('rowtime - 'w.start).exp() / 1.hour).sum / (('rowtime - 'w.start).exp() / 1.hour).sum)


Here is my attempt (inspired as well by the calcite decaying example):

  lb_index one_key,
  HOP_START(proctime, INTERVAL '0.05' SECOND, INTERVAL '5' SECOND) start_time,
  SUM(Y *
        proctime -
        HOP_START(proctime, INTERVAL '0.05' SECOND, INTERVAL '5' SECOND)
FROM write_position
GROUP BY lb_index, HOP(proctime, INTERVAL '0.05' SECOND, INTERVAL '5' SECOND)

时间是处理时间,我们从 AppendStream 表中创建 write_position 时获得的 proctime 为:

Time is processing time, which we get as proctime with the creation of the write_position from an AppendStream Table as:

    tEnv.fromDataStream(appendStream, "lb_index, Y, proctime.proctime"))


Cannot apply '-' to arguments of type '<TIME ATTRIBUTE(PROCTIME)> - <TIME ATTRIBUTE(PROCTIME)>'.

我已经尝试将 proctime 转换为我所知道的所有其他类型(试图达到 NUMERIC 的承诺),但我找不到如何使其工作.

I've tried casting proctime to every other type I know of (in an attempt to reach the NUMERIC promised land), and I just can't find how to make it work.

我错过了什么吗?proctime 是一种您无法转换的非常特殊的系统更改号"时间吗?如果是这样,仍然必须通过某种方式将其与 HOP_START(proctime,...) 值进行比较.

Am I missing something? Is proctime some very special kind of 'system change number' time that you can't convert? If so, there still must be some way to compare it to the HOP_START(proctime,...) value.


您可以使用 timestampDiff 减去两个时间点(请参阅 docs).你这样用

You can use timestampDiff to subtract two timepoints (see the docs). You use it like this

TIMESTAMPDIFF(timepointunit, timepoint1, timepoint2)

其中 timepointunit 可以是 SECOND、MINUTE、HOUR、DAY、MONTH 或 YEAR.

where timepointunit can be SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, or YEAR.


I haven't tried this with processing time, but it does work with event time fields, so hopefully it will.

这篇关于Flink SQL 中跳跃窗口上的指数衰减移动平均值:铸造时间的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 17:18