

我在我的应用程序中具有消息发送功能,并使用MFMessageComposeViewController实现了该功能.我可以在iOS9中将照片与消息一起附加,但在iOS 10中不能吗?有人遇到同样的问题吗?

I have message send functionality in my app and implemented the same using MFMessageComposeViewController. I am able to attach photos with the message in iOS9 but not in iOS 10? Is there anyone having the same issue?


Swift 5.0版本:调用以下名为 displayMessageInterface 的方法:

Swift 5.0 version:Call the below method named displayMessageInterface:


  • composeViewController.addAttachmentData(dataImage !, typeIdentifier:"image/png",文件名:"ImageData.png")

在上一行中,对于我来说,文件名的类型必须为 abc.png ,如果使用的是jpeg图片数据,则文件类型必须为 abc.jpeg ,并且typeIdentifier必须遵循 image/png image/jpeg .我很难找到答案.即使其他答案已经足够,我也写这个答案的原因.

In the above line, filename must be of type abc.png in my case or abc.jpeg if you are using a jpeg image data and typeIdentifier must follow image/png and image/jpeg respectively. I struggled a lot to find out this. The reason I write this answer even when other answers are enough already.

有关typeIdentifiers的更多信息,请使用以下链接: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Miscellaneous/Reference/UTIRef/Articles/System-DeclaredUniformTypeIdentifiers.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009259-SW1

For more information on typeIdentifiers, use this link: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Miscellaneous/Reference/UTIRef/Articles/System-DeclaredUniformTypeIdentifiers.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009259-SW1

fileprivate func displayMessageInterface() {
    if MFMessageComposeViewController.canSendText() {
        let composeViewController = MFMessageComposeViewController()
        composeViewController.messageComposeDelegate = self
        composeViewController.body = "Enter your text body here."

        if MFMessageComposeViewController.canSendAttachments() {
            let image = UIImage(named: "image-name")!
            let dataImage =  image.pngData()
            guard dataImage != nil else {
            composeViewController.addAttachmentData(dataImage!, typeIdentifier: "image/png", filename: "ImageData.png")
        self.present(composeViewController, animated: true)
    } else {
        print("Can't send messages.")

由于我在上面的方法中提到了委托,因此在 UIViewController 的情况下,可以使用这种方式:

Since I have mentioned the delegate in the above method, you can use it this way in case of a UIViewController:

extension UIViewController: MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate {
    func messageComposeViewController(_ controller: MFMessageComposeViewController, didFinishWith result: MessageComposeResult) {
        if result == .failed {
            print("could not send message")
        self.dismiss(animated: true)


08-04 15:05