I have a massive Excel template that's having performance issues. I'd like to optimize the VBA code I'm using to modify cells to be more of an "all at once" approach. I have several basic functions using loops to modify values. Here's an example:
Dim aCell as Range
For Each aCell In Range("A1:A9999").Cells
'appends prefix to value of each cell
aCell.Value = "CC_" & aCell.Value
Next aCell
While this works, the drawback of this is that it causes several recalculations and updates that slows down the template. I'm familiar with turning calculations/screen updating on and off, but for reasons I won't go into, that's not an option.
This code below does NOT work, but it's the approach I'm looking for. Is there a way to make such a change using an array or some other tool I'm not thinking of that would minimize the templates calculation updates?
Range("A1:A9999").Value = "CC_" & Range("A1:A9999").Value
Reading/writing to/from the worksheet takes a lot of time. Do the modifications within a VBA array, then write it back.
Dim myRange As Range, myArr As Variant
Set myRange = Range("A1:A9999")
myArr = myRange
For i = 1 To UBound(myArr, 1)
myArr(i, 1) = "CC_" & myArr(i, 1)
Next i
myRange = myArr