我有 NSDecimalNumber
我想将其打印为999 999 999 999 999 999,00,无论在何处。
I have an NSDecimalNumber
representing a money amount.I want to print it as "999 999 999 999 999 999,00", regardless on the locale.How do I do that?
NSNumberFormatter打印出来我代码为1 000 000 000 000 000 000,00(苹果工程师似乎从来没有将iPhone设计为财务软件平台)。
NSNumberFormatter prints me 1 000 000 000 000 000 000,00 instead (it seems Apple engineers never designed the iPhone to be a platform for financial software).
[NSDecimalNumber description]
和 [NSDecimalNumber descriptionWithLocale]
都打印正确的值。如何格式化结果,将分组分隔符设置为 @\ u2006
,小数分隔符设置为 @**,**
[NSDecimalNumber description]
and [NSDecimalNumber descriptionWithLocale]
both print correct value. How can I format the result, with grouping separator set to @"\u2006"
, decimal separator to @"**,**"
, and exactly 2 decimal digits after the decimal seperator?
Update:Here's my solution, 10x to Sulthan:
@implementation NSDecimalNumber(MiscUtils)
static NSDecimalNumberHandler* s_handler = nil;
if( !s_handler )
s_handler = [ [ NSDecimalNumberHandler decimalNumberHandlerWithRoundingMode:NSRoundPlain scale:2 raiseOnExactness:NO raiseOnOverflow:NO raiseOnUnderflow:NO raiseOnDivideByZero:NO ] retain ];
NSDecimalNumber *dec = [ self decimalNumberByRoundingAccordingToBehavior:s_handler ];
NSString* str = [ dec description ];
NSRange rDot = [ str rangeOfString:@"." ];
int nIntDigits = str.length;
int nFracDigits = 0;
if( rDot.length > 0 )
nIntDigits = rDot.location;
nFracDigits = str.length - ( rDot.location + 1 );
int nGroupSeparators = ( nIntDigits - 1 ) / 3;
NSMutableString* res = [ NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:nIntDigits + nGroupSeparators + 3 ];
NSString *groupingSeparator = @"\u2006";
int nFirstGroup = ( nIntDigits % 3 );
int nextInd = 0;
if( nFirstGroup )
[ res appendString:[ str substringToIndex:nFirstGroup ] ];
nextInd = nFirstGroup;
while( nextInd < nIntDigits )
if( res.length > 0 )
[ res appendString:groupingSeparator ];
[ res appendString:[ str substringWithRange:NSMakeRange( nextInd, 3 ) ] ];
nextInd += 3;
if( nFracDigits > 0 )
if( nFracDigits > 2 )
nFracDigits = 2;
[ res appendString:@"," ];
[ res appendString:[ str substringWithRange:NSMakeRange( rDot.location + 1, nFracDigits ) ] ];
while( nFracDigits < 2 )
[ res appendString:@"0" ];
[ res appendString:@",00" ];
// DLog( "formatDecimal: %@ -> %@", dec, res );
return res;
我有同样的问题。我被告知 NSNumberFormatter
首先将所有内容转换为 double
I had the same problem. I was told that NSNumberFormatter
converts everything to a double
first. How did I solve it? It's easy, just write your own formatter.
- 首先将小数点圈成2位小数。
- 将其描述作为字符串。
- 在字符串中查找小数点(。)并将其替换为您想要的小数点。
- 每次从小数点到左边的三位数,插入一个分组分隔符。
- First round the decimal to 2 decimal digits.
- Get its description as a string.
- Find decimal point (.) in the string and replace it with the one you want.
- After every three digits from the decimal point to the left, insert a grouping separator.