


I want to show MsgBox of fails with correspondent samples. If non show another MsgBox with no fail.


I feel I am almost there but have something messing.


If I put the MsgBox within the loop the MsgBox appears more than once, if I put it out it shows both MsgBox of "fails" if any and "There are no Fails"


How can I show only one of them with the (If-statement), and of course show once. Either box showing all fails or box showing there are none.


Sub Box()
Dim x As Long
Dim fails As String
'Dim passes As String

With Sheet2
    For x = 2 To 8
        If .Range("E" & x).Value > 0.24 Then
        fails = fails & ", " & .Range("A" & x)
        MsgBox "Failed Strut: " & fails
        ElseIf .Range("E" & x).Value < 0.24 Then
        passes = "There are no fails"
        MsgBox passes
        End If
    Next x
End With

'Other attempts
'MsgBox passes
'fails = Right(fails, Len(fails) - 2)
'MsgBox "Failed Strut: " & fails

End Sub


您需要使用要显示的范围输入失败变量,然后检查变量是否为空.另外,也不必输入 pass 变量,因为它始终是相同的:

You need to feed the failsvariable with the ranges you want to show and then check if your variable is empty or not. Also, there is no need to feed a passesvariable because it will always be the same:

Option Explicit
Sub Box()
    Dim x As Long
    Dim fails As String
    'Dim passes As String

    With Sheet2
        For x = 2 To 8
            If .Range("E" & x).Value > 0.24 Then
                If fails = vbNullString Then
                    fails = .Range("A" & x)
                    fails = fails & ", " & .Range("A" & x)
                End If
            End If
        Next x
    End With

    'Here you check wether you send one message or the other
    If Not fails = vbNullString Then
        MsgBox "Failed Strut: " & fails
        MsgBox "There are no fails"
    End If

    'Other attempts
    'MsgBox passes
    'fails = Right(fails, Len(fails) - 2)
    'MsgBox "Failed Strut: " & fails

End Sub


Finally, indenting correctly your code makes it more easy to read.


08-04 02:22