我正在使用 matplot lib 生成一个图,通过执行以下操作来绘制多个点(约几千个):
I am generating a plot using matplot lib to plot many points (~a few thousand) by doing the following:
labels = []
for item in items:
label = item[0]
plt.plot(item[1][0], item[1][1], 'ro', c = colors[item], label = str(label))
And then generating a legend by doing:
plt.legend([str(x) for x in np.unique(labels)])
However, for each label in the legend the corresponding color is the same (not the color in the plot). Is there any way to manually set the color for the legend.
I have attached a sample plot to illustrate the problem.
-编辑-仅仅按照某些人的建议调用 plt.legend()
--EDIT--Just calling plt.legend()
as suggested by some does not seem to solve the problem for me, it adds a legend entry for each point. See the image below for an example output:
labels = []
for item in items:
label = item[0]
plt.plot(item[1][0], item[1][1], 'o', c=colors[item], label=str(label))
如果在创建艺术家时直接指定标签(在对 plot
的调用中),则可以直接调用不带参数的 plt.legend()
If you specify the labels directly when creating the artist (in the call to plot
), you can just call plt.legend()
without arguments. It will iterate through the artists in the current axis and use their labels. That way the colors in the legend will match the ones in the plot.
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