

我定义一个枚举类,它实现Neo4j的 RelationshipType

I define an enum class that implements Neo4j's RelationshipType:

enum class MyRelationshipType : RelationshipType {
    // ...


继承的平台声明冲突:以下声明具有相同的JVM签名(name()Ljava / lang / String;) :fun< get-name>():String fun name():String

我明白, Enum 类的名称()方法和 name() RelationshipType 接口具有相同的签名。这不是Java的问题,但是为什么在Kotlin中出现错误,我该如何解决呢?

I understand that both the name() method from the Enum class and the name() method from the RelationshipType interface have the same signature. This is not a problem in Java though, so why is it an error in Kotlin, and how can I work around it?


它是一个 即使你使枚举类实现了 name()函数的界面被拒绝。

it is a bug-KT-14115 even if you makes the enum class implements the interface which contains a name() function is denied.

interface Name {
    fun name(): String;

enum class Color : Name;
       //   ^--- the same error reported


BUT you can simulate a enum class by using a sealed class, for example:

interface Name {
    fun name(): String;

sealed class Color(val ordinal: Int) : Name {
    fun ordinal()=ordinal;
    override fun name(): String {
        return this.javaClass.simpleName;
    //todo: simulate other methods ...

object RED : Color(0);
object GREEN : Color(1);
object BLUE : Color(2);


08-03 19:50