我知道 NSUserDefaults
用于保存/恢复 用户 偏好设置。 应用 的等效类是什么?例如,应用程序可能具有最后运行字段;或者它可能有一个字段,用于在应用程序级别使用的设备的唯一标识。
I'm aware of NSUserDefaults
for saving/restoring user preferences. What is the equivalent class for an application? For example, the application may have a "last run" field; or it may have a field for a unique identification of the device for use at the application level.
我的目的是保持应用程序的设置(不是用户的设置)设置应用程序,而不是在iTunes,Time Machine,{whatever}中备份这些设置。
My intention is to keep the application's settings (not user's settings) out of the Settings Application, and not backup those settings in iTunes, Time Machine, {whatever}.
我为Java和C#收到很多噪音,但不是很多对于iOS / iPhone / iPad。
I'm getting a lot of noise for Java and C#, but not much for iOS/iPhone/iPad.
if you can store value by NSUserDefaults, then it is good to store application preferences too.
or add settings.plist on your project and read that (what you are not changing later)
+ (NSDictionary*)getBundlePlist:(NSString *)plistName
NSString *errorDesc = nil;
NSPropertyListFormat format;
NSString *plistPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:plistName ofType:@"plist"];
NSData *plistXML = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath:plistPath];
NSDictionary *temp = (NSDictionary *)[NSPropertyListSerialization
format:&format errorDescription:&errorDesc];
return temp;
+ (id) getPropValue:(NSString *)PropertyName
{ // I am supposing you had add your app preferences on settings.plist.
return [[Property getBundlePlist:@"settings"] objectForKey:PropertyName];
//here Property is my class name, then you can use value by
//NSString *value = [Property getPropValue:@"setting1"];