我正在使用带有 TestNG 的 Spring Test 来测试我们的 DAO,并且我想在某些方法之前运行特定的文本夹具脚本,允许在每个方法之后回滚修改,以便测试可以自由地执行任何操作夹具数据.
I'm using Spring Test with TestNG to test our DAOs, and I wanted to run a specific text fixture script before certain methods, allowing the modifications to be rolled back after every method so that the tests are free to do anything with the fixture data.
最初我认为 'groups' 适合它,但我已经意识到它们不适合这个(见这个问题:TestNG BeforeMethod with groups ).
Initially I thought that 'groups' would be fit for it, but I already realized they're not intended for that (see this question: TestNG BeforeMethod with groups ).
有没有办法将 @BeforeMethod
方法配置为仅在特定的 @Test
Is there any way to configure a @BeforeMethod
method to run only before specific @Test
s? The only ways I see are workarounds:
- 定义一个普通的setup方法并在每个
方法的开头调用; - 将
- Define an ordinary setup method and call at the beginning of every
method; - Move the
method to a new class (top level or inner class), along with all methods that depend on it.
Neither is ideal, I'd like to keep my tests naturally grouped and clean, not split due to lack of alternatives.
您可以在 @BeforeMethod 中添加一个类型为java.lang.reflect.Method"的参数.然后,TestNG 将注入当前测试方法的反射信息,包括方法名称,您可以使用该名称进行切换.
You could add a parameter your @BeforeMethod with the type 'java.lang.reflect.Method'. TestNG will then inject the reflection information for the current test method including the method name, which you could use for switching.
If you add another 'Object' parameter, you will also get the invocation parameters of the test method.
您都可以在 TestNG 文档的第 5.18.1 章中找到有关 TestNG 注释方法的所有可能参数.
You'all find all on possible parameters for TestNG-annotated methods in chapter 5.18.1 of the TestNG documentation.
这篇关于TestNG - 特定方法的@BeforeMethod的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!