the处理您的请求。请参阅活动日志了解更多的详细信息。请联系服务器管理员以获得帮助。 在事件日志中,我似乎有两个相关条目: DCOM错误: DCOM出错重叠的I / O操作正在处理。 "并且 processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for moredetail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance. In the event log I seem to have two relevent entries: A DCOM error: DCOM got error "Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. " and was 无法unable to登录。\ IWAM_CJMXP2以运行服务器: {3D14228D-FBE1-11D0 -995D-00C04FD919C1} 和W3SVC警告:服务器无法加载应用程序''/ LM / W3SVC / 1 / ROOT''。错误是''服务器进程无法启动,因为配置的标识 logon .\IWAM_CJMXP2 in order to run the server: {3D14228D-FBE1-11D0-995D-00C04FD919C1} and a W3SVC warning: The server failed to load application ''/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT''. The error was ''The server process could not be started because the configured identity不正确。检查用户名和密码。 任何想法? incorrect. Check the username and password. Any ideas? Aaron, 我试过以下...... 来自#2226: IIS重置 - 无变化 Hi / med / lo保护 - 无变化 synciwam.vbs - "错误:1AD:ActiveX组件无法创建对象 DCOM事件#10010 - 不适用,前面的DCOM事件ID是10004 重新创建应用程序 - 问题是服务器范围的;重新创建默认网站 - 没有变化。 重新注册oleaut32.dll / asp.dll - 没有变化 重新安装DTC - 在system32 dir中找不到安装文件 W2k SP2 - 不适用(Windows XP机器) CR8 - 未安装 KB#297519: IUSR& IWAM用户从以批处理作业登录中删除&安培;然后重新添加 - 没有 更改 KB#271071: n / a - 这仅适用于Win2k KB#257267: 没有找到dtcsetup文件 - 建议似乎参考Win2k / NT4 KB#238665: 似乎是指一个不同的问题,但解决方案(重新创建 应用程序)不起作用 KB#195956: 指的是NT4 / IIS4 还有什么想法吗?没有重建Windows(这是我要点b $ b而不是做的事情!),我的想法已经不多了。 谢谢 克里斯Aaron,I have tried the following...From #2226:IIS reset - no changeHi/med/lo protection - no changesynciwam.vbs - "Error: 1AD: ActiveX component can''t create object"DCOM Event #10010 - n/a, the preceding DCOM event ID was 10004Re-create Application - Problem is server-wide;re-created Default Website -no change.Reregister oleaut32.dll/asp.dll - no changeReinstall DTC - no setup file found in system32 dirW2k SP2 - n/a (Windows XP machine)CR8 - not installedKB#297519:IUSR & IWAM users removed from "Log on as a batch job" & then re-added - nochangeKB#271071:n/a - this is for Win2k onlyKB#257267:no dtcsetup file found - advice seems to refere to Win2k/NT4KB#238665:Seems to be referring to a different problem, but the solution (recreateapplication) doesnt workKB#195956:Refers to NT4/IIS4Any further thoughts? Short of rebuilding Windows (which is something I''drather not do!), I''m running out of ideas.ThanksChris 这篇关于无法在IIS5.1上呈现ASP页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-29 18:40