I just wanted to know how it is possible to to update (delete/insert) a document based on a numeric field.So far I did this:
LuceneManager.updateDocument(writer, new Term("id", NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(sentenceId)), newDoc);
但现在使用Lucene 4.0,NumericUtils类已更改为我真的不明白。
But now with Lucene 4.0 the NumericUtils class has changed to this which I don't really understand.Any help?
I would recommend, if possible, it would be better to store an ID as a keyword string, rather than a number. If it is simply a unique identifier, indexing as a keyword makes much more sense. This removes any need to mess with numeric formatting.
If it is actually being used as a number, then you might need to perform the update manually. That is, search for and fetch the document you wish to update, delete the old document with tryDeleteDocument, and then add the updated version with addDocument. This is basically what updateDocument does anyway, to my knowledge.
The first option would certainly be the better way, though. A non-numeric field to use as an update ID would make life easier.
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