我试图AAC / WAV / WMA音频文件转换成MP3与Xuggler在Java中。
如果(args.length< = 1)
抛出新抛出:IllegalArgumentException(必须通过输入文件名和输出文件名作为参数); IMediaWriter作家= ToolFactory.makeWriter(参数[1]); 字符串文件名= ARGS [0]; //创建一个Xuggler容器对象
集装箱的IContainer = IContainer.make(); //打开容器
抛出新抛出:IllegalArgumentException(无法打开文件:+文件名); //查询有多少流的调用打开发现
INT numStreams = container.getNumStreams(); //并遍历流找到第一个音频流
INT audioStreamId = -1;
的IStream codeR音频codeR = NULL;
的for(int i = 0; I< numStreams;我++)
的IStream流= container.getStream(I)
的IStream codeR codeR = stream.getStream codeR(); 如果(coder.get codecType()== I codec.Type。codeC_TYPE_AUDIO)
audioStreamId = I;
音频codeR = codeR;
音频coder.setBitRate(container.getBitRate()); 打破;
} 如果(audioStreamId == -1)
抛出新的RuntimeException(集装箱找不到音频流:+文件名); / *我们只读AAC文件中暂时* /
如果(音频coder.get codeCID()!= I codec.ID. codeC_ID_AAC
&功放;&安培;音频coder.get codeCID()!= I codec.ID. codeC_ID_WAVPACK
&功放;&安培;音频coder.get codeCID()!= I codec.ID. codeC_ID_WMAV1
&功放;&安培;音频coder.get codeCID()!= I codec.ID. codeC_ID_WMAV2
&功放;&安培;音频coder.get codeCID()!= I codec.ID. codeC_ID_WMAPRO
&功放;&安培;音频coder.get codeCID()!= I codec.ID. codeC_ID_WMAVOICE)
} 音频coder.setSampleFormat(IAudioSamples.Format.FMT_S16);
/ *
* 做工作。
* /
抛出新的RuntimeException(无法打开音频解codeR集装箱:+文件名); INT streamIndex = writer.addAudioStream(0,0,音频coder.getChannels(),音频coder.getSampleRate());
/ *
* /
IPacket包= IPacket.make(); 而(container.readNextPacket(分组)GT; = 0)
/ *
* /
如果(packet.getStreamIndex()== audioStreamId)
/ *
* codeR告诉我们在这个缓冲区。
* / IAudioSamples样品= IAudioSamples.make(512,音频coder.getChannels(),IAudioSamples.Format.FMT_S16); / *
* /
INT偏移= 0; / *
* / 而(偏移下; packet.getSize())
INT bytesDe codeD =音频coder.de codeAudio(样本,数据包,偏移量);
如果(bytesDe codeD℃下)
抛出新的RuntimeException(中得到了错误解码音频:+文件名); 胶印+ = bytesDe codeD; / *
* /
writer.en codeAudio(streamIndex,样本);
/ *
* /
IMediaReader mediaReader = ToolFactory.makeReader(input.getPath()); //创建一个媒体记录器
IMediaWriter mediaWriter = ToolFactory.makeWriter(output.getPath(),mediaReader); //一个作家加入到阅读器,创建输出文件
mediaReader.addListener(mediaWriter); //一个IMediaListner添加到作家改变比特率
的IStream codeR流codeR = event.getSource()getContainer()getStream(event.getStreamIndex())getStream codeR()。;
流coder.setFlag(的IStream coder.Flags.FLAG_QSCALE,FALSE);
}); //读取并从源文件去code包,
而(mediaReader.readPacket()== NULL);
输入要转换和输出是一个新的.MP3文件(Xuggler弄清楚转换的扩展名)。文件(AAC / WAV / WMA)
您可以提高质量增加kbps的(即你需要320000传递到320 kbps)。
希望有所帮助: - )
进口com.xuggle.xuggler.IStream codeR;
I'm trying to convert aac/wav/wma audio files to mp3 with Xuggler in Java.
Unfortunately, I have a big loss of quality. My input file size is about 7MB and my output file size is only 1,5MB.
The sample rate is set to 44100 Hz, is there other parameters to set?
Thank you for your answers.
if (args.length <= 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must pass an input filename and output filename as argument");
IMediaWriter writer = ToolFactory.makeWriter(args[1]);
String filename = args[0];
// Create a Xuggler container object
IContainer container = IContainer.make();
// Open up the container
if (container.open(filename, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open file: " + filename);
// query how many streams the call to open found
int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();
// and iterate through the streams to find the first audio stream
int audioStreamId = -1;
IStreamCoder audioCoder = null;
for(int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
// Find the stream object
IStream stream = container.getStream(i);
// Get the pre-configured decoder that can decode this stream;
IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();
if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
audioStreamId = i;
audioCoder = coder;
if (audioStreamId == -1)
throw new RuntimeException("could not find audio stream in container: "+filename);
/* We read only AAC file for the moment */
if(audioCoder.getCodecID() != ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_AAC
&& audioCoder.getCodecID() != ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_WAVPACK
&& audioCoder.getCodecID() != ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_WMAV1
&& audioCoder.getCodecID() != ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_WMAV2
&& audioCoder.getCodecID() != ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_WMAPRO
&& audioCoder.getCodecID() != ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_WMAVOICE)
System.out.println("Read only AAC, WAV or WMA files");
* Now we have found the audio stream in this file. Let's open up our decoder so it can
* do work.
if (audioCoder.open() < 0)
throw new RuntimeException("could not open audio decoder for container: "+filename);
int streamIndex = writer.addAudioStream(0, 0, audioCoder.getChannels(), audioCoder.getSampleRate());
System.out.println("audio Frame size : "+audioCoder.getAudioFrameSize());
* Now, we start walking through the container looking at each packet.
IPacket packet = IPacket.make();
while(container.readNextPacket(packet) >= 0)
* Now we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to our audio stream
if (packet.getStreamIndex() == audioStreamId)
* We allocate a set of samples with the same number of channels as the
* coder tells us is in this buffer.
* We also pass in a buffer size (1024 in our example), although Xuggler
* will probably allocate more space than just the 1024 (it's not important why).
IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(512, audioCoder.getChannels(),IAudioSamples.Format.FMT_S16 );
* A packet can actually contain multiple sets of samples (or frames of samples
* in audio-decoding speak). So, we may need to call decode audio multiple
* times at different offsets in the packet's data. We capture that here.
int offset = 0;
* Keep going until we've processed all data
while(offset < packet.getSize())
int bytesDecoded = audioCoder.decodeAudio(samples, packet, offset);
if (bytesDecoded < 0)
throw new RuntimeException("got error decoding audio in: " + filename);
offset += bytesDecoded;
* Some decoder will consume data in a packet, but will not be able to construct
* a full set of samples yet. Therefore you should always check if you
* got a complete set of samples from the decoder
if (samples.isComplete())
writer.encodeAudio(streamIndex, samples);
* This packet isn't part of our audio stream, so we just silently drop it.
do {} while(false);
I'll do something like this:
public void convertToMP3(File input, File output, int kbps) { //modify on your convenience
// create a media reader
IMediaReader mediaReader = ToolFactory.makeReader(input.getPath());
// create a media writer
IMediaWriter mediaWriter = ToolFactory.makeWriter(output.getPath(), mediaReader);
// add a writer to the reader, to create the output file
// add a IMediaListner to the writer to change bit rate
mediaWriter.addListener(new MediaListenerAdapter() {
public void onAddStream(IAddStreamEvent event) {
IStreamCoder streamCoder = event.getSource().getContainer().getStream(event.getStreamIndex()).getStreamCoder();
streamCoder.setFlag(IStreamCoder.Flags.FLAG_QSCALE, false);
// read and decode packets from the source file and
// and dispatch decoded audio and video to the writer
while (mediaReader.readPacket() == null);
input is the File (aac/wav/wma) you want to convert and output is a new .mp3 file (Xuggler figure out the conversion by the extension).
You can increase the quality increasing kbps (i.e. for 320 kbps you need to pass in 320000).
Hope that helps :-)
FYI: for Java projects you'll need to import the following if you haven't already done so:
import com.xuggle.mediatool.MediaListenerAdapter;
import com.xuggle.mediatool.event.IAddStreamEvent;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IStreamCoder;