本文介绍了C# 的只读(类似“const")函数参数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


来自 C++ 背景,我习惯于将 const 关键字粘贴到函数定义中,以使对象以只读值传递.但是,我发现这在 C# 中是不可能的(如果我错了,请纠正我).经过一番谷歌搜索,我得出的结论是,制作只读对象的唯一方法是编写一个只有获取"属性的接口,然后将其传入.优雅,我必须说.

Coming from a C++ background, I'm used to sticking the const keyword into function definitions to make objects being passed in read-only values. However, I've found out that this is not possible in C# (please correct me if I'm wrong). After some Googling, I arrived at the conclusion that the only way to make a read-only object is to write an interface that only has 'get' properties and pass that in instead. Elegant, I must say.

public interface IFoo
  IMyValInterface MyVal{ get; }

public class Foo : IFoo
  private ConcreteMyVal _myVal;

  public IMyValInterface MyVal
    get { return _myVal; }


public void SomeFunction(IFoo fooVar)
  // Cannot modify fooVar, Excellent!!

这很好.但是,在我的其余代码中,我想正常修改我的对象.向界面添加设置"属性会打破我的只读限制.我可以向 Foo(而不是 IFoo)添加一个set"属性,但签名需要一个接口而不是具体对象.我必须做一些选角.

This is fine. However, in the rest of my code, I would like to modify my object normally. Adding a 'set' property to the interface would break my read-only restriction. I can add a 'set' property to Foo (and not IFoo), but the signature expects an interface rather than a concrete object. I would have to do some casting.

// Add this to class Foo. Might assign null if cast fails??
set { _myVal = value as ConcreteMyVal; }

// Somewhere else in the code...
IFoo myFoo = new Foo;
(myFoo as Foo).MyFoo = new ConcreteMyVal();

有没有更优雅的方法来复制 const 或制作只读函数参数而不添加其他属性或函数?

Is there a more elegant way of replicating const or making read-only function parameters without adding another property or a function?



I think you may be looking for a solution involving two interfaces in which one inherits from the other:

public interface IReadableFoo
    IMyValInterface MyVal { get; }

public interface IWritableFoo : IReadableFoo
    IMyValInterface MyVal { set; }

public class Foo : IWritableFoo
    private ConcreteMyVal _myVal;

    public IMyValInterface MyVal
        get { return _myVal; }
        set { _myVal = value as ConcreteMyVal; }


Then you can declare methods whose parameter type "tells" whether it plans on changing the variable or not:

public void SomeFunction(IReadableFoo fooVar)
    // Cannot modify fooVar, excellent!

public void SomeOtherFunction(IWritableFoo fooVar)
    // Can modify fooVar, take care!

这模仿了类似于 C++ 中的 constness 的编译时检查.正如 Eric Lippert 正确指出的那样,这与不变性相同.但作为一名 C++ 程序员,我想你知道这一点.

This mimics compile-time checks similar to constness in C++. As Eric Lippert correctly pointed out, this is not the same as immutability. But as a C++ programmer I think you know that.


By the way, you can achieve slightly better compile-time checking if you declare the type of the property in the class as ConcreteMyVal and implement the interface properties separately:

public class Foo : IWritableFoo
    private ConcreteMyVal _myVal;

    public ConcreteMyVal MyVal
        get { return _myVal; }
        set { _myVal = value; }

    public IMyValInterface IReadableFoo.MyVal { get { return MyVal; } }
    public IMyValInterface IWritableFoo.MyVal
        // (or use "(ConcreteMyVal)value" if you want it to throw
        set { MyVal = value as ConcreteMyVal; }

这样,setter 只能在通过接口访问时抛出,而在通过类访问时不能.

This way, the setter can only throw when accessed through the interface, but not when accessed through the class.

这篇关于C# 的只读(类似“const")函数参数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 21:24