


Working in a few different domains, that have different naming schema's. So I'm writing a script that goes into each domain, and checks on their group membership.

脚本要做的第一件事是询问用户的姓氏。然后我使用 Get-ADUser 选择 samaccountname 并将其绑定到变量( samaccountname Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity 参数接受的唯一名称)。

First thing the script does is ask for the user's last name. Then I use Get-ADUser to select the samaccountname and tie it to a variable (samaccountname is the only name that Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity parameter accepts).

但是当我使用 -Identity 变量运行脚本时,找不到用户。如果我手动输入-它确实找到了用户。

But when I run the script using the variable for -Identity it doesn't find the user. If I type it in manually - it does find the user.


$surname = Read-Host "Users Last Name"

$fullname = Get-ADUser -filter * | Where-Object {$_.surname -eq $surname} |
            select samaccountname | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | Out-String
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $fullname | select name |
  Format-Table -HideTableHeaders


The error I get shows that the variable is a string, and it is the correct user that it's searching for, but the error says it can't find that user.


Format-* cmdlet用于向用户显示数据。当需要/打算对数据进行进一步处理时,请勿使用它们。

Format-* cmdlets were made for displaying data to a user. Do not use them when further processing of the data is required/intended.


... | select samaccountname | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | Out-String

... | select -Expand samaccountname -First 1



07-22 20:20