本文介绍了Python 项目的简单依赖管理的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我来自 Java 背景,对 Python 完全陌生.

I am coming from Java background and completely new at Python.

现在我有一个包含一些导入的 Python 文件的小项目.我知道我的计算机上没有安装导入的依赖项,所以我尝试找出所需的依赖项并运行 pip 来安装它们.

Now I have got a small project with a few Python files that contain a few imports. I know I does not have the imported dependencies installed on my computer, so I try to figure out the required dependencies and run pip to install them.


I would like to do it differently. I would prefer to have the dependencies listed in a single file and install them automatically during the build process.


Does it make sense ? If it does I have a few questions:

  • 如何列出pip需要安装的项目依赖?
  • 如何运行 pip 来安装列表中的依赖项?
  • How to list the project dependencies required to install by pip ?
  • How to run pip to install the dependencies from the list ?


管理 Python 项目依赖项的常用方法是通过项目根目录中名为requirements.txt"的文件.一个简单的方法是:

A common way to manage dependencies for a python project is via a file in root of the project named "requirements.txt". An easy way to make this is:

  1. 为您的项目设置一个 python virtualenv
  2. 通过 pip 手动安装所需的模块
  3. 执行 pip freeze >requirements.txt 生成需求文件
  1. Setup a python virtualenv for your project
  2. Manually install the required modules via pip
  3. Execute pip freeze > requirements.txt to generate the requirements file

然后您可以使用 pip install -r requirements.txt 在其他位置安装所有依赖项.

You can then install all the dependencies in other locations using pip install -r requirements.txt.

如果你想在其他人pip install你的包时自动安装依赖,你可以在你的setup.py中使用install_requires()>.

If you want dependencies to be installed automatically when other people pip install your package, you can use install_requires() in your setup.py.

这篇关于Python 项目的简单依赖管理的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 12:36