

void main ( )
{   int x;
    signal (SIGUSR1, f);
    x= fork ( );
    if (x == -1) exit (1);
    if (x != 0)
    {   kill (x, SIGUSR1) ;
        sleep (2);
        exit (0);
void f ( )
    printf ("signal received");
    exit (0);


I think that the program above asks the system to launch the f function ( which displays "signal received" ) when the SIGUSR1 signal is received by the parent process. but I'm not sure about that, please feel free to correct or to give more details. Thank for the help !



There are some mistakes in your code:

  1. 避免调用信号处理程序的printf()功能。 手册提供的授权功能,美其名曰名单是信号处理内部安全。阅读:

  1. Avoid calling printf( ) function in signal handler. SIGNAL(7) manual provides a list of authorized functions calling them is safe inside signal-handlers. Read:

     该方案。 POSIX有安全功能的概念。 如果

A signal handler function must be very careful, since processing elsewhere may be interrupted at some arbitrary point in the execution of the program. POSIX has the concept of "safe function". If a signal interrupts the execution of an unsafe function, and handler calls an unsafe function, then the behavior of the program is undefined.

使用返回类型的main() INT ;阅读

  • Use return type of main() int; read "What should main() return in C?"

    X 将为pid_t 。 ()。

    我只是缩进你的code和移 F()之前函数定义主要是因为函数声明遗失,也增加了一些意见,你应该阅读:

    Now lets suppose your program compile and run (not interrupted by any other signal while handler executing):I am just indenting your code and shifting f() function definition before main because function declaration is missing, also adding some comments that you should read:

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    void f( )
        printf ("signal received\n");
        exit (0);//if child receives signal then child exits from here
    }            // ******* mostly happens
    int main ( )
    {   int x;
        signal (SIGUSR1, f);// First: handler registered
        x = fork ( );       // Second: Child created, now child will execute in
        if (x == -1)        // parallel with parent
          exit (1);
        if (x != 0) {// parent
            kill(x, SIGUSR1) ; // Third: sends signal to child
            sleep(2);          // Forth: parent sleep
        return 0; // parent always exits
        // Child can exits from here ****
        // if signal sent from parent delayed

    的main()功能,寄存器 F()功能SIGUSR1 信号和呼叫后叉()以创建一个新的进程。在运行时为叉()函数返回一个子进程开始与父进程执行中的平行的。结果
    我可以看到你的code,我想你明白,儿童进程的父进程的副本,除了变量值可以从点不同的叉()收益,因此 X 是孩子,父进程不同。我们可以使用从fork返回值来告诉父进程或儿童节目是否正在运行。但是请注意,这不是父母,但实际上,它接收信号 SIGUSR1 子过程。自进程id的值总是 0 中的任何进程。你检查返回值 X =叉()这是新创建的子进程的PID,在 X 0 和父 X!= 0 。因此,信号从父进程发送到子进程。

    In main() function, you registers f() function for SIGUSR1 signal and after that calls fork() to create a new process. In runtime as fork() function returns a child-process starts executing in parallel with parent process.
    As I can see your code, I think that you understands that child-process is copy of parent-process except values of variables can be different from the point fork() returns and hence x is different in child and parent process. We can use the return value from fork to tell whether the program is running in the parent-process or in child. But note that it is not parent but actually the child-process that receives signal SIGUSR1. Value of self process id is always 0 for any process. You checks the return value x = fork() that is pid of newly created child-process, in child-process value of x is 0 and in parent x != 0. Hence signal is sent from parent process to child process.


    我认为上面的程序要求系统启动 F()功能(它显示接收信号)当 SIGUSR1 信号被父进程收到。

    我有IM pression,你不认为这两个进程并发执行和可以发生,不久后叉()创建有利于儿童过程中,子进程开始执行,并立即终止之前父进程可以将信号发送到子女(或子女进程能够接收信号)。在这种情况下,函数 F()将永远不会在信号处理程序从未打印执行的机会和printf。

    I have impression that you don't consider that both processes execute concurrently and "it can be happen that soon after fork() create a child-process, child-process start executing and immediately terminate before parent-process can send a signal to child (or child-process can receive the signal)". In that case, function f() will never get a chance to execute and printf in signal handler never prints.


    But the possibility of what I have described just above is very low because fork takes time to create a new process. And even if you execute the code again and again most of the times signal sent from the parent process will execute signal-handler.

    code为 XC :正确的方法是设置一个标志,指示信号处理程序执行,然后调用信号处理程序之外的标志值的基础printf函数正如我在所描述的我答案:以及背后的原因是通过的的在他的。

    Code is x.c: Correct way is set a flag that indicates that signal handler executed and then call printf function on the bases of flag value outside signal-handler as I have described in my answer: How to avoid using printf in a signal handler? And reason behind it explained by Jonathan Leffler in his answer.

    #define _POSIX_SOURCE
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <sys/wait.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    volatile sig_atomic_t flag = 0; //initially flag == 0
    void f(){
        flag = 1; // flag is one if handler executes
    int main(void){
      pid_t x;
      (void) signal (SIGUSR1, f);
      x = fork();
      if(x == -1)
      if (x != 0){// parent
        kill(x, SIGUSR1);
      if(flag)//print only if signal caught and flag == 1
        printf("%s signal received \n", x == 0 ? "Child:" : "Parent:");
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    @:~$ gcc -Wall  -pedantic -std=c99  x.c  -o x
    @:~$ ./x
    Child: signal received


    Notice child-process prints because parent sends signal to child(but parent process doesn't prints as no signal catch in parent). So behavior of above code still similar as you was getting in your code. Below I have added one more example in which I am trying to demonstrate that 'concurrent execution of processes results different at different instance of execution'(read comments).

    // include header files...
    volatile sig_atomic_t flag = 0;
    void f(){
        flag = 1;
    int main(void){
      pid_t x;
      (void) signal (SIGUSR1, f);
      (void) signal (SIGUSR2, f); // added one more signal
      x= fork ( );
      if(x == -1)
      if (x != 0){// parent
        kill(x, SIGUSR1);
        while(!flag); // in loop until flag == 0
      if (x == 0){//child
        kill(getppid(), SIGUSR2); // send signal to parent
        while(!flag); // in loop until flag == 0
      }//  ^^^^ loop terminates just after signal-handler sets `flag`
        printf("%s signal received \n", x == 0 ? "Child:" : "Parent:");
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    In above code, two signals are registered in both parent and child process. Parent process doesn't sleeps but busy in a while loop until a signal sets flag. Similarly child-process has a loop that breaks as flag becomes 1 in signal-handler. Now compile this code and run repeatedly. I frequently tried an got following output in my system.

    @:~$ gcc -Wall  -pedantic -std=c99  x.c  -o x
    @:~$ ./x
    Child: signal received
    Parent: signal received
    @:~$ ./x
    Child: signal received
    Parent: signal received
    @:~$ ./x
    Child: signal received
    Parent: signal received
    @:~$ ./x
    Parent: signal received   // <------
    @:~$ Child: signal received
    Child: signal received
    Parent: signal received
    @:~$ ./x
    Parent: signal received   // <------
    @:~$ Child: signal received


    Notice output, one case is: "till child process created parent sent signal and enter in while-loop and when child-process get chance to execute(depends on CPU scheduling) it send back a signal to parents and before parent process get chance to execute child receives signal and prints message". But it also happens sometimes that before child printf print; parent receives and print message (that is I marked using arrow).

    在最后一个例子,我试图表现出儿童的过程中与父母 - 过程和输出并行执行可以不同,如果你不适用并发控制机制。

    In last example I am trying to show child-process executes in parallel with parent- process and output can be differs if you don't applies concurrency control mechanism.

    一些好的资源要了解信号(1)GNU C库:的
    (2)CERT C编码标准。

    Some good resource To learn signals (1) The GNU C Library: Signal Handling(2) CERT C Coding Standard 11. Signals (SIG).


  • 05-25 19:55