


I just fund myself implementing a timer-based version of "handle a list of events as a bunch" in order to safe resources - again - and I'm wondering whether there is a nice common pythonic approach.


You probably know this: you're handling recurring events like mouse movements, file system changes etc. and you have to do some calculation as a reaction to those events but it would be great if you could use a little break in the stream of events to handle them in a bunch. Maybe because older events get invalidated by newer events (and it's enough to handle the oldest ones) or because events can somehow be squashed together.


Examples are: mouse movements (draw only latest position), "auto save" in editors or auto-sync on file systems, or (in my example) monitoring file system changes and re-compile something.


Usually I look up how to use a Timer and think about how I could avoid an extra thread and come up with some semi-finished but complex solution for a - in my eyes - very simple problem.Lot of questions arise:

  • 如何避免并发处理(例如,如果我使用threading.Timer并启动执行工作的线程)
  • 如何确保有时间限制要处理事件(连续不断地输入事件而不会中断)
  • 如果可能的话如何避免线程
  • 如何避免创建过于复杂的框架
  • (您命名)
  • how to avoid concurrent handling (e.g. if I use a threading.Timer and start a thread doing the work)
  • how to make sure there is a time limit for events to be handled (in case of a continuous incoming of events without break)
  • how to avoid threads if possible
  • how to avoid creating an overly-complex framework
  • (you name it)


What I'd like to have is something which works like this:

timer = SomeContinuousTimer()
new_events = []
while True:
   event = wait_for(inotify_adapter.event_gen(), timer.timeout())
   if event == timer.TIMEOUT:


But wait_for would have to act like select and for this I'd need file descriptors and the above code is already a bit more than I would actually expect it to be.


What I would be really glad about to have would be used like this:

bunch_handler = BunchHandler()
new_events = []

def read_events():
    for event in inotify_adapter.event_gen():

while True:
    # will run `read_events` asynchronously until 1.5sec have passed since the
    # last event
    bunch_handler.read(read_fn=read_events, bunch_wait=1500)



Is this a typical scenario I should use async / await for? Are there frameworks for the case where async is not an option? Is there an async framework for this exact scenario?



This is not nice but it does what I want and might act as an example which shows, what I'm talking about :)

import asyncio
import time

async def event_collector(*, listener_fn, bunch_wait=1.0, max_wait=2.0):
    """Wait for (but don't handle) events and wait for a maximum of @bunch_wait seconds after the
    last event before returning. Force return after @max_wait seconds"""
    max_time_task = asyncio.Task(asyncio.sleep(max_wait))
    while True:
        resetable = asyncio.Task(asyncio.sleep(bunch_wait))
        done, _ = await asyncio.wait(
            {listener_fn.__anext__(), resetable, max_time_task},
        if resetable in done or max_time_task in done:

async def generate_events(events):
    """Simulates bursts of events with side-effects"""
    while True:
        for i in range(5):
            await asyncio.sleep(.01)
            print("*" * len(events))
        await asyncio.sleep(3.200)

def handle_events(events):
    """Simulates an event handler operating on a given structure"""
    print("Handle %d events" % len(events))

async def main():
    new_events = []
    t = time.time()
    while True:
        await event_collector(listener_fn=generate_events(new_events), bunch_wait=1.1, max_wait=2.2)

        now = time.time()
        print("%.2f" % (now - t))
        t = now

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

这种方法有一些缺点:*您需要使用async异步侦听事件* event_collector将在max_wait秒后返回,无论是否已经看到任何事件(因此,如果没有事件发生,它就像超时)*代替重置计时器,每次都会创建一个新计时器

This approach has some shortcomings:* you need to listen for events asynchronously using async* event_collector will return after max_wait seconds regardless whether any events have been seen yet (so it acts like a timeout if no events occur)* instead of resetting a timer, a new one gets created every time


10-27 13:42