提交WatchKit 1.2配套应用程序,在验证过程中失败,并显示以下错误:
Submitting WatchKit 1.2 companion app, fails during validation with this error:
ERROR ITMS-90455 "Invalid WatchKit App Bundle. The value '2.1' for the MinimumOSVersion key in info.plist in bundle 'redactedbundlename.watchkitapp' is not supported"
I do cannot find a MinimumOSVersion key in the watch app plist or settings, nor in build settings or plist for the phone app.
The only mention of anything "2.1" related is in my build settings:
Any ideas to diagnose this issue?
由于某些原因,您需要将 WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 从 2.1 更改为 2.0 .
For some reason, you need to change WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET from 2.1 to 2.0.
您可以在项目设置->监视应用程序目标"->构建设置->(空)-部署-> watchOS部署目标中找到此选项(或仅在整个项目中搜索2.1,它应显示在结果中)
You can find this in Project Settings -> "Watch App Target" -> Build Settings -> (null) - Deployment -> watchOS Deployment Target(or just search 2.1 in entire project and it should show up in the results)
我猜这是一个错误,也许watchOS 2.1在Xcode/iTunes Connect中仍被标记为"beta",因此当您尝试上载到iTunes Connect时,由于版本错误,它会拒绝它.
I am guessing this is a bug, maybe watchOS 2.1 is still marked as 'beta' in Xcode/iTunes Connect, so that when you try to upload to iTunes Connect it rejects it due to bad version.