I'd like to read a file into a struct or class, but after some reading i've gathered that its not a good idea to do something like:
int MyClass::loadFile( const char *filePath ) {
ifstream file ( filePath, ios::in | ios::binary );
file.read ((char*)this, 18);
return 0;
I'm guessing if i want to write a file from a struct/class this isn't kosher either:
void MyClass::writeFile( string fileName ) {
ofstream file( fileName, ofstream::binary );
file.write((char*)this, 18);
It sounds like the reason i don't want to do this is because even if the data members of my struct add up to 18 bytes, some of them may be padded with extra bytes in memory. Is there a more correct/elegant way to get a file into a class/struct like this?
It is less brittle than a binary representation. But it has the overhead of needing to be interpreted. The standard types work well with serialization and you are encouraged to make your class serialize so that a class containing your class can easily be serialized.
class MyClass {
int x;
float y;
double z;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, MyClass const& data);
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& s, MyClass& data);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, MyClass const& data)
// Something like this
// Be careful with strings (the input>> and output << are not symmetric unlike other types)
return str << data.x << " " << data.y << " " << data.z << " ";
// The read should be able to read the version printed using <<
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& s, MyClass& data)
// Something like this
// Be careful with strings.
return str >> data.x >> data.y >> data.z;
int main()
MyClass plop;
std::cout << plop; // write to a file
std::cin >> plop; // read from a file.
std::vector<MyClass> data;
// Read a file with multiple objects into a vector.
std::ifstream loadFrom("plop");
std::copy(std::istream_iterator<MyClass>(loadFrom), std::istream_iterator<MyClass>(),
// Write a vector of objects to a file.
std::ofstream saveTo("Plip");
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), std::ostream_iterator<MyClass>(saveTo));
// Note: The stream iterators (std::istream_iterator) and (std::ostream_iterator)
// are templatized on your type. They use the stream operators (operator>>)
// and (operator<<) to read from the stream.