我希望收到具有一定精度在一个城市,这意味着approximatelly 50米200米的精度范围将是合理的跟踪摩托车驾驶员位置更新。我怎么这个映射到setPriority()的参数?换句话说,考虑到目前位置服务的实施和一些组设备(定义它们?)做这个地图PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY或PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY?的
I'd like to receive location updates with a certain accuracy for tracking motorcycle riders in a city, which means that an accuracy range of approximatelly 50m to 200m would be reasonable. How do I map this to the setPriority() parameter ? In other words, given current location services implementation and some set of devices (define them ?) does this map to PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY or to PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY ?
For 50m- 200m accuray you need GPS all the time.
There is no half power GPS, none of other locationg technics achieve this accuracy.(Cell Tower 1000m, and Wlan spots 50m if you have one, but often there is none.)
If the app has to track them, you have to use GPS_PROVIDER