本 Request.JSON
和 CountryFlags
通过的其中xx是2 ISO国家code
I'm looking for a method to use Geonames
via http://api.geonames.org/export/geonamesData.js?username=orakzai to retrieve Countrycode
and CountryFlags
via http://www.geonames.org/flags/x/xx.gif where xx is 2 letter ISO country code
The flags are returned as GIF files instead of any sort of JSON. You would just use
<img id='myImage' src="http://www.geonames.org/flags/x/??.gif" />
But fill in the ?? with the country code that geonames uses.
You can put the tag in your page somewhere and use some javascript to change the URL to the one you have computed or you can figure the URL on your server and insert it as the HTML page is created.
如果你想这样做在JavaScript中,例如,在jQuery的你会像这样使用id =MYIMAGE'来改变已加载的图像标记的URL
If you want to do it in javascript, for example, in jQuery you would have something like this to change the URL on an already loaded image tag with id='myImage'
$("#myImage").attr('src', "http://www.geonames.org/flags/x/" + countryCode + ".gif")