


I've done some searching on google, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm trying to find out some detailed information on the way arithmetic works in Java. For example, if you add two longs together is this using the same addition operator that is used when adding two ints together? Also, what is going on under the hood when you mix longs and ints in arithmetic expressions like this:

long result;
long operand a = 1;
int operand b = 999999999;

result = a + b;


If anyone could shed some light on this or post links to relevant articles that would be awesome. Thanks!


Thanks for the replies so far. Also, is it safe to perform arithmetic with different primitives so long as you are assigning into a variable of the widest primitive type in your expression?


当混合类型时,int会自动加宽为long,然后添加两个long以生成结果。 提供了很好的操作示例包含不同的主要类型。

when mixing types the int is automatically widened to a long and then the two longs are added to produce the result. The java language spec has good examples for operations containing different primative types.


Specifically, these are the types each primative will widening to without requiring a cast:

  • byte to short,int,long,float或double

  • short to int,long,float或double

  • char to int,long,float或double

  • int to long,float或double

  • long to float or double

  • 浮动加倍

  • byte to short, int, long, float, or double
  • short to int, long, float, or double
  • char to int, long, float, or double
  • int to long, float, or double
  • long to float or double
  • float to double


09-05 09:50