I'm currently trying to implement various algorithms in a Just In Time (JIT) compiler. Many of the algorithms operate on bitmaps, more commonly known as bitsets.
在C ++中,有多种方式实现bitset。作为一个真正的C ++开发人员,我更喜欢使用来自STL的东西。最重要的方面是性能。我不一定需要一个动态可调整大小的bitset。
In C++ there are various ways of implementing a bitset. As a true C++ developer, I would prefer to use something from the STL. The most important aspect is performance. I don't necessarily need a dynamically resizable bitset.
As I see it, there are three possible options.
我。一个选择是使用已经针对空间进行了优化的 std :: vector< bool>
I. One option would be to use std::vector<bool>
, which has been optimized for space. This would also indicate that the data doesn't have to be contiguous in memory. I guess this could decrease performance. On the other hand, having one bit for each bool value could improve speed since it's very cache friendly.
II。另一个选择是改为使用 std :: vector< char>
II. Another option would be to instead use a std::vector<char>
. It guarantees that the data is contiguous in memory and it's easier to access individual elements. However, it feels strange to use this option since it's not intended to be a bitset.
三。第三个选项是使用实际的 std :: bitset
III. The third option would be to use the actual std::bitset
. That fact that it's not dynamically resizable doesn't matter.
Which one should I choose for maximum performance?
Best way is to just benchmark it, because every situation is different.
我不会使用 std :: vector< bool>
。我试过一次,性能是可怕的。我可以通过简单地使用 std :: vector< char>
I wouldn't use std::vector<bool>
. I tried it once and the performance was horrible. I could improve the performance of my application by simply using std::vector<char>
't真的比较 std :: bitset
与 std :: vector< char>
,但如果空间不是问题在你的情况下,我会去 std :: vector< char>
I didn't really compare std::bitset
with std::vector<char>
, but if space is not a problem in your case, I would go for std::vector<char>
. It uses 8 times more space than a bitset, but since it doesn't have to do bit-operations to get or set the data, it should be faster.
当然,如果你需要在bitset / vector中存储大量数据,那么使用bitset可能是有益的,因为这将适合处理器的缓存。
Of course if you need to store lots of data in the bitset/vector, then it could be beneficial to use bitset, because that would fit in the cache of the processor.
最简单的方法是使用typedef,并隐藏实现。 bitset和vector都支持[]运算符,所以应该很容易由另一个实现切换。
The easiest way is to use a typedef, and to hide the implementation. Both bitset and vector support the [] operator, so it should be easy to switch one implementation by the other.