I need help plotting a dictionary, below is the data sample data set. I want to create a scatter graph where x:y are (x,y) coordinates and title'x' would be the legend of the graph.. I want to create graphs of below data set so combine all the below data in one graph.
例如:以红色(或任何其他颜色)绘制 title1':{x:y, x:y} 制作一个图例(键),说红色(或任何颜色)用于 title1,
for example: plot title1':{x:y, x:y} in red( or any other color) make a legend(key) saying red(or whatever color) is for title1,
do same for title2:{x:y, x:y} (in a different color)....and so on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
data = {'title1':{x:y, x:y},title2:{x:y,x:y,x:y},'title3':{x:y,x:y}....}
我也遵循了这个建议,但它是针对单个图形的.在 Myplotlib python 中的字典中绘制字典
I also followed this advise, but it was for individual graph.Plotting dictionaries within a dictionary in Myplotlib python
这是我尝试过的,我在 matplotlib 方面没有太多经验,也找不到任何有用的在线信息.任何帮助将不胜感激.
This is what I have tried, i don't have much experience in matplotlib and couldn't find anything useful onlline. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
d ={'5000cca234c1c445': {382877: 7, 382919: 3},
'5000cca234c94a2e': {382873: 1, 382886: 1},
'5000cca234c89421': {383173: 1, 383183: 2, 382917: 1, 382911: 1},
'5000cca234c5d43a': {382889: 1, 382915: 1, 382917: 8},
'5000cca234c56488': {382909: 2, 382911: 5}}
xval = []
yval= []
ttle = []
print d
for title, data_dict in d.iteritems():
x = data_dict.keys()
#print 'title is', title
#print 'printing x values',x
xval = xval + x
print xval
y = data_dict.values()
yval = yval+y
print yval
#print 'printing y values', y
print xval
print yval
print ttle
You can try to plot on the loop, and after that show the legend, something like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
d ={'5000cca234c1c445': {382877: 7, 382919: 3},
'5000cca234c94a2e': {382873: 1, 382886: 1},
'5000cca234c89421': {383173: 1, 383183: 2, 382917: 1, 382911: 1},
'5000cca234c5d43a': {382889: 1, 382915: 1, 382917: 8},
'5000cca234c56488': {382909: 2, 382911: 5}}
colors = list("rgbcmyk")
for data_dict in d.values():
x = data_dict.keys()
y = data_dict.values()