

我已经阅读到iPhone SDK(Xcode 3的一部分)仅限于具有intel芯片组的Mac.此限制仅适用于SDK的模拟器部分还是完整的shebang?

I have read that the iPhone SDK (part of Xcode 3) is restricted to Mac's with the intel chipset. Does this restriction apply to only the simulator part of the SDK or the complete shebang?

我有一台运行Leopard的Powerbook G4,非常想在它上面进行开发,而不是花钱买一台新机器.

I have a Powerbook G4 running Leopard and would very much like to do dev on it rather than fork out for a new machine.

也有必要澄清一下,我出于个人原因对开发感兴趣,因此接受我需要一个经过认证的平台才能为App Store创建提交内容.

It is also worth clarifying that I am interested in development for personal reasons and therefore accept that I would need a certified platform to create a submission for the App Store.


自从3by9.com上的原始文章发布以来,事情一直在发展,以下是我必须遵循的步骤才能使环境在PowerBook G4上正常运行.

As things have moved on since the original post on 3by9.com, here are the steps that I had to follow to get the environment working on my PowerBook G4.


BTW, I would like to say that I realise that this is not a supported environment and I share this for purely pedagogic reasons.

  1. 下载并安装iPhoneSDK(最终版)
  2. 安装完成后,导航到已安装的DMG中的packages目录
  3. 安装所有以iPhone开头的pkg
  4. /Platforms的内容复制到/Developer/Platforms(应该是从iPhone开始的两个文件夹)
  5. /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Specifications中找到'iPhone Simulator Architectures.xcspec',然后在文本编辑器中打开.
  6. 将第12行更改为:Name = "Standard (iPhone Simulator: i386 ppc)";
  7. 将第16行更改为:RealArchitectures = ( i386, ppc );
  8. 在40行及以后添加以下内容:
  1. Download and install the iPhoneSDK (final version)
  2. After the install finishes, navigate to the packages directory in the mounted DMG
  3. Install all of the pkg's that start with iPhone
  4. Copy the contents of /Platforms to /Developer/Platforms (should be two folders starting with iPhone)
  5. Locate 'iPhone Simulator Architectures.xcspec' in /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Specifications and open in a text editor.
  6. Change line 12 to: Name = "Standard (iPhone Simulator: i386 ppc)";
  7. Change line 16 to: RealArchitectures = ( i386, ppc );
  8. Add the following to line 40 onwards:

    // PowerPC
    { Type = Architecture;
    Identifier = ppc;
    Name = "PowerPC";
    Description = "32-bit PowerPC";
    PerArchBuildSettingName = "PowerPC";
    ByteOrder = big;
    ListInEnum = NO;
    SortNumber = 106;
  1. 保存文件并启动Xcode
  2. 您应该在新建项目"文件夹下看到创建iPhone应用程序的功能.
  3. 要使应用程序在模拟器中运行(并使用whichWayIsUp示例),请在项目"菜单下打开编辑项目设置"
  4. 在构建"选项卡上,将架构"更改为:标准(iPhone Simulator:i386 ppc)
  5. 将基本SDK更改为模拟器-iPhone OS 2.0
  6. 构建和运行现在应该可以在模拟器中查看应用程序的构建和运行


09-03 16:58