我如何拍照,并将其保存到特定的文件夹。我知道它保存到SD卡/ DCIM的/ etc
How do I take a photo and save it to a specific folder. I know it saves to the sdcard/DCIM/etc
但我不希望它在那里,我希望它被存储在一个文件夹中/ SD卡/相机
But I don't want it there, I want it to be stored in a folder in /sdcard/Camera
String destPath = Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory + "/Camera";
Then I launch the camera intent and try point the save file to the path I made.
Intent launchCamera = new Intent(Android.Provider.MediaStore.ActionImageCapture);
launchCamera.PutExtra(MediaStore.ExtraOutput, destPath);
这是行不通的。图片仍然可以保存到/ SD卡/ DCIM的/ etc
This isn't working. Images still get saved to /sdcard/dcim/etc
据我所知,这些问题并不是专门针对MonoDroid的,并与Java Android SDK中确实发生。
From what I gathered when I developed an application using Monodroid is that the camera is very buggy and does not do what you want it to most of the time. This includes specifying the destination where images capture are to be saved.To my knowledge these issues aren't specific to Monodroid and do occur with the java android sdk.
A work around to this issue that you may want to look at is capturing the image without specifying a destination, then in the OnActivityResult method retrieve the latest image saved to the gallery. Once you get the latest image you can then move it to your preferred destination.
Here is some example code from within OnActivityResult.
Retrieve the filename of the captured image
Android.Net.Uri targetUri = data.Data;
String origin = "";
String [] proj = { MediaStore.MediaColumns.Data.ToString (), BaseColumns.Id };
var qry = ManagedQuery (MediaStore.Images.Media.ExternalContentUri, proj, null, null, "date_added DESC");
qry.MoveToFirst ();
origin = qry.GetString (qry.GetColumnIndexOrThrow (MediaStore.MediaColumns.Data.ToString ()));
Move the image to your desired destination
System.IO.File.Move (origin, "yourdestinationfilenamehere");