经过几个小时的研究(在MSDN网站等上),我没有找出为什么通用Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
方法的原因.有人可以给我一个解释吗? (我知道将其实现为扩展方法并不难,可以在此处查看一个很好的示例,我只是想知道是否可能有一个特定的原因导致.NET库最初没有提供它.)
After a couple hours of research (on MSDN websites and so on) I didn't manage to find out why the generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
does not provide a ForEach()
method like List<T>
does. Could someone please give me an explanation? (I know that it's not hard to implement it as an extension method, a great example can be seen here, I just was wondering whether there might be a particular reason why it's not provided by the .NET libraries in the first place.)
首先拥有它是有疑问的.无需到处重复相同的错误.埃里克·利珀特(Eric Lippert)在其博客文章中给出了两个原因:
Because it's questionable why List<T>
has it in the first place. No need to repeat the same mistake everywhere. Eric Lippert gives two reason as to why in his blog post :
The second reason is that doing so adds zero new representational power to the language. Doing this lets you rewrite this perfectly clear code:
foreach(foos中的foo foo){涉及foo的语句; }
foreach(Foo foo in foos){ statement involving foo; }
foos.ForEach((Foo foo)=> {涉及foo;的语句);
foos.ForEach((Foo foo)=>{ statement involving foo; });
使用几乎完全相同的字符,但顺序略有不同.但是,第二个版本更难理解,更难调试,并且引入了闭包语义,从而有可能以微妙的方式更改对象的生存期. (...)
which uses almost exactly the same characters in slightly different order. And yet the second version is harder to understand, harder to debug, and introduces closure semantics, thereby potentially changing object lifetimes in subtle ways. (...)