


My experience with the Android emulator is that it is so slow that it is unusable. I see threads related to the issue going back over a year. The lack of a coherent response to the question is unacceptable (this is not the Community's fault).


Question: Has anyone that has experienced extreme slowness (more than 15 minutes to launch) actually resolved this issue so that startup is less than a couple of minutes? If so, what did you do?


Please note that I am not trying to tie the emulator to Eclipse. I am teaching mobile web app development using jQTouch. The web apps are testing by running the emulator standalone and opening the Browser.


While my machine is a little dated, I have no trouble running Vista, Office, PowerStudio, etc. Here are details to add to the data around this issue.

  • 操作系统:微软在Vista,32位
  • 处理器:英特尔赛扬M处理器520 @ 1.60 GHz的
  • 内存:1.5 GB
  • 在赛门铁克防病毒 - 禁用
  • 在模拟器开始,没有动画 - 没有帮助
  • 在超出20分钟启动时间
  • Java版本:1.6.0_21
  • AVD设置:设备RAM大小1024,快照支持和AVD启动时启用两个。 - RAM大小和快照没有帮助


Google needs to acknowledge the issue and provide guidance about what development environments actually work. If there were a recommendation for platform, java version, memory, etc., I would follow it.


Right now I have no options other than to tell students that the Android emulator doesn't work. The only android solution is to buy a real phone, which limits testing to a single Android version and configuration.


Students are not having trouble with the iOS simulator running on the Mac.


If someone that works for Google could actually comment, that would be great.



Android模拟器就是这样,一个仿真器 - 这是模拟的ARM处理器。仿真绝不会以最快的速度本土。由于您使用的是这样一个大量计算机内存的仿真器,你很可能不得不页面一致,这将增加使服务表现受到影响。

The Android emulator is just that, an emulator -- it is emulating an ARM processor. Emulation will never be as fast as native. Given you are using such a large amount of your computer's memory for the emulator, you are likely having to page consistently, which will add to making the performace suffer.

在另一方面,iPhone模拟器只是一组API相匹配的的iOS SDK和pretends是iOS设备,但运行的所有code本地机器上的所有资源,处理器速度和内存的机器了,而可能的运行速度比实际的设备上运行显著更快。

The iOS simulator on the other hand is just a set of APIs that matches the iOS SDK and pretends to be an iOS device, but is running all code natively on the machine with all the resources, processor speed and memory the machine has, and likely to run significantly faster than running on the actual device.


08-27 02:42