

在Android NDK文档中,存在以下语句:

In the documentation for Android NDK, the following statement is present:


I can interpret from this that an Android.mk file should be placed in [project_path]/jni/[module_name]/Android.mk, each module having its own specific Android.mk file since this is what differentiates it from the application wide Application.mk file, but when I execute ndk-build I get the following error message:


I gather from that I am supposed to create a single Android.mk file alongside my Application.mk file or define APP_BUILD_SCRIPT in Application.mk to point to a single Android.mk file. This contradicts the documentation and leaves me wondering why there is a need for multiple makefiles when Android.mk will contain the definitions for all modules anyway-that could just as well be placed in Application.mk.


Reading a couple of NDK sample projects I found out that, indeed, the Android.mk file is in the same directory as Application.mk and executing ndk-build on them seems to work.




 +-- jni/
 |    |
 |    +-- Android.mk
 |    +-- [Application.mk] (optionally)
 |    +-- main.c
 +-- AndroidManifest.xml

根据此处的简短指南: https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/concepts

According to a short guide from here: https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/concepts

  1. 在项目的jni/目录中创建一个Android.mk文件
  2. ...使用ndk-build编译您的本机代码
  1. Create an Android.mk file in the jni/ directory of your project
  2. ... compile your native code using the ndk-build
$ cd <path>/<to>/<project>
$ <ndk>/ndk-build


However, there is a way to define custom NDK project structures using ndk-build with arguments.

 +-- Android.mk
 +-- [Application.mk]
 +-- main.c
$ cd <mylib>
$ ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=Android.mk


  1. Android.mk是必需的,而Application.mk不是必需的.
  2. Android.mk包含模块定义,并且Application.mk描述体系结构,编译器选项和其他全局"选项.
  3. 根据设计,
  4. Android.mkApplication.mk正交.如果Android.mk包含3个模块,并且Application.mk 2个ABI(例如arm和x86),则NDK将构建(3 * 2)个工件.
  5. Application.mk中的变量出现在Android.mk中,因此,例如,您可以使用Android.mk中的APP_ABI链接与体系结构相关的库.
  6. 有些项目包含很多makefile,因此将它们保存在Application.mk中是一种干净的方法.
  7. 但是Application.mk仍然只是设计决定,本来可以完成的.
  1. Android.mk is mandatory and Application.mk is not.
  2. Android.mk contains module definitions and Application.mk describes architecture, compiler options, and other "global" options.
  3. Android.mk is orthogonal to Application.mk by design. If Android.mk contains 3 modules, and Application.mk 2 ABIs (e.g. arm and x86), then NDK will build (3 * 2) artifacts.
  4. Variables from Application.mk appears in Android.mk, so you can use, for instance, APP_ABI in Android.mk to link architecture dependent libraries.
  5. There are complex projects with a lot of makefiles and keeping common options in Application.mk is a clean way.
  6. But still Application.mk is just a design decision, it could've been done differently.


08-26 12:40