I currently use FPDF to create some fairly complicated reports and am trying to upgrade to TCPDF, but I've found that my same code running through TCPDF is about twice as slow. Because my PDFs already take up to a minute to generate I can't really afford to have this slowdown, but I'd really like to take advantage of some TCPDF features (like creating bookmarks).
如果有人对这个问题有一些了解,我会非常感激-您做过一些使TCPDF速度更快的事情,或者只是确认它比FPDF的运行速度慢,所以我可以忘记它,而坚持使用FPDF. /p>
If anyone has some information on this problem I'd really appreciate it - either things you did to make TCPDF faster, or just confirmation that it runs slower than FPDF, so I can forget about it and just stick with FPDF.
这是一个很好的解决方案,为我节省了2分钟. PDF将在3秒钟内创建!
Here is a sweet solution, shaves 2 minutes for me. PDFs are created in 3 seconds!
http://www. bitrealm.net/2010/08/tcpdf-is-slow-here-is-the-solution/
$font = $this->_getTrueTypeFontSubset($font, $subsetchars);
/ Alcal: $font2cache modification
// This modification creates utf-8 fonts only the first time,
// after that it uses cache file which dramatically reduces execution time
if (!file_exists($fontfile.'.cached')){
// calculate $font first time
$subsetchars = array_fill(0, 512, true); // fill subset for all chars 0-512
$font = $this->_getTrueTypeFontSubset($font, $subsetchars); // this part is actually slow!
// and then save $font to file for further use
$flat_array = serialize($font); //
else {
// cache file exist, load file
$flat_array = fread($fp,filesize($fontfile.'.cached'));
$font = unserialize($flat_array);