


I have a handler, like this, using IRequiresSessionState:

public class MyHandler : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState
  // code


In the code, I am able to read and set Session values. I also check ensure that the caller is logged in. That all works fine.


The web site uses forms authentication, so in the web.config, I have this:

<authentication mode="Forms">
   <forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" timeout="10" slidingExpiration="true"></forms>

问题是,AJAX调用从客户机到服务器的code MyHandler的不延长会话生命!


So even if the user is busy sending and receiving data from the server, they time out 10 minutes after their last full page load.


In the handler, I've tried specifically changing a value is the session on each call, but not even that extends the time out.




Finally got a solution to this... sort of.

我放弃了试图让处理器来完成这项工作,而是被称为一个正常的ASPX页面。在该页面中,我去掉了HTML code和使用的Response.Write(...)发回一些​​JSON的,我想。然而,即使如此,我的会话没有被延长!

I abandoned trying to get the handler to do the job, and instead called a normal ASPX page. In that page, I removed the HTML code, and used Response.Write(...) to send back some JSON that I wanted. However, even with that, my session was not being extended!

我终于意识到,在preRender事件,我用 Response.ClearHeaders()。这就是问题所在。事实证明,在Forms身份验证系统更新会话票证的cookie在需要的时候,但我的code的运行之前,将它添加到标题。所以,当我清除了头,我抹去了新的Cookie之前,它被发送给浏览器。

I finally realized that in the PreRender event, I used Response.ClearHeaders(). That was the problem. It turns out that the Forms authentication system was updating the session ticket cookie when needed, but was adding it to the Headers before my code was running. So when I cleared the headers, I was erasing the new cookie before it was sent to the browser.

所以,如果您有与会议没有被延长的问题,检查以确保您的code未使用 ClearHeaders()

So, if you are having problems with sessions not being extended, check to make sure that your code is not using ClearHeaders()!


08-26 03:09