本文介绍了如何访问JSON对象。$$ state.value?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Warning: I'm going to sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about here, because I kind of don't. I'm in the process of self-learning Javascript and AngularJS through a lot of trial and error coding.

我有一些javascript code(犹豫,因为它是一个烂摊子复制到这里)返回具有以下结构的对象:

I have some javascript code (hesitant to copy here because it's a mess) that returns an Object with the following structure:

我要保存到一个变量是对应于对象的对象。$$ state.value的图片。这个对象有用户名,哈希和盐,这是我所关心的。我不知道是什么都喜欢$$州其他的东西是或者他们是如何到达那里。

What I want to save to a variable is the object corresponding to Object.$$state.value in the picture. This object has username, hash and salt, which are what I care about. I don't know what all the other stuff like $$state are or how they got there.


However, if I do this (let's call the main Object "whatIHave"):

var whatIWant = whatIHave.$$state.value;

这是行不通的。 whatIWant为null。

this does not work. whatIWant is null.


Does anyone recognize what's going on here? What is $$state, how did it get there, and how can I extract the value I want?



So that is a promise. You need to do something like:

whatIHave.then(function(whatIWant) {
  // Work here


如果你好奇的是,什么是 $$状态什么是,我将解释了一下:

If you're curious enough, about what is that $$state and what is that value, I will explain a bit:

的承诺有一个 $$状态有角可以节省你想在来调用待所有的回调函数阵列(所有这些你。然后注册功能就像我之前解释)。

The promises have a $$state and there angular saves all the callback functions you want to call in a pending array (all those function you registered with .then like I explained before).


It also have the status: resolved (1) and rejected (2)


Finally, when you resolve or reject the promise, the value you pass when doing that, is saved in value.


You're trying to cheat in here, because when you try to access that value, it could be not there yet (that is what async is all about).

这样的想法是学习的承诺的基础上,学习如何与他们合作,然后用你的 whatIHave 正常。

So the idea is learning the basic of promises, learning how to work with them and then use your whatIHave correctly.

这篇关于如何访问JSON对象。$$ state.value?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
