将这种形式的int val转换为对应字符串的最有效方法是什么-"HH:MM:SS"
What is the most efficient method of converting an int val to its string counterpart in this format - "HH:MM:SS"
10 becomes 00:00:10
70 becomes 00:01:10
3610 becomes 01:00:10
I need this to be JDK1.4 compliant.
我想出的是一系列的if语句,然后根据当前的int val构造一个字符串.这不是很有效.有更好的方法吗?
What I've come up with is a series of if statements and then constructing a string based on the current int val. This is not very efficient. Is there a better way?
Instead of a heap of code, how about just one line?
String time = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss")
{{setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));}}.format(new Date(3610 * 1000)); // "01:00:10"
p.s. I never fails to amaze me just how much code some people write to do the simplest of things
时区设置为UTC,因为SimpleDateFormat使用您的语言环境来格式化日期.例如,我的时区是GMT + 10,如果我格式化 new Date(0)
The timezone is set to UTC, because SimpleDateFormat uses your locale to format the date. For example my timezone is GMT+10 and if I format new Date(0)
, the time part is "10:00:00".
For those who don't recognise that odd syntax where the timezone is being set, it's an anonymous class with an "instance block", which gets executed on construction, after the constructor has finished.
这篇关于将int val转换为格式" HH:MM:SS& quot;使用JDK1.4的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!