我阅读了 JavaScript API for Office 并且我找不到在用户选择 Word 文档中的文本时通知的处理程序.
I read JavaScript API for Office and I couldn't find a handler to notify when user select a text in the word document.
I am aware that we can copy the selected/highlighted text from document as follow:
Word.run(function(context) {
let body = context.document.body;
// ask for the user selected text
let range = context.document.getSelection();
This approach is not a registered callback or an event. With this approach I have to request update or to check if user selected anything.
Is there an existing function that I can register for getting notified for user interaction with document?
getSelection() 方法实际上并未在文档中进行选择.它为您提供当前选择的范围.为了获得订阅文档选择事件所需的事件,您可以通过以下方式实现:
the getSelection() method does not actually make a selection in the document. it gives you the range that its currently selected. in order to get the events you need to subscribe to the document selection event, you can achieve that fairly simple just with:
function subscribeToEvent() {
Office.context.document.addHandlerAsync(Office.EventType.DocumentSelectionChanged, handler);
function handler(evtArgs) {
// here you can handle the event.
另一方面,如果您想以编程方式执行,range.select() 方法将触发选择更改事件.请查看这个脚本实验室片段,它基本上订阅了加载时的事件,然后如果你单击 RUN 按钮,您将看到最后一段被选中并触发了事件.
On the other hand the range.select() method WILL trigger the selection changed event if you want todo it programmatically. Please check out this Script Lab snippet, it basically subscribe to the event on load, then if you click the RUN button you will see that the last paragraph gets selected and the event triggered.
这篇关于Microsoft Word JavaScript API - 文档中文本选择的事件处理程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!