本文介绍了getResourceAsStream() 总是返回 null的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 Java Web 应用程序中有以下结构:

I have the following structure in a Java Web Application:

  -- [Web Pages]
  -- -- [WEB-INF]
  -- -- -- abc.txt
  -- -- index.jsp
  -- [Source Packages]
  -- -- [wservices]
  -- -- -- WS.java

WS.java 中,我在 Web 方法中使用以下代码:

In WS.java, I am using the following code in a Web Method:

InputStream fstream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("abc.txt");

但它总是返回一个空值.我需要从那个文件中读取,我读到如果你把文件放在 WEB-INF 中,你可以用 getResourceAsStream 访问它们,但该方法总是返回一个null.

But it is always returning a null. I need to read from that file, and I read that if you put the files in WEB-INF, you can access them with getResourceAsStream, yet the method is always returning a null.


Any ideas of what I may be doing wrong?

顺便说一句,奇怪的是这是有效的,但是在我对项目执行Clean and Build后,它突然停止工作:/

Btw, the strange thing is that this was working, but after I performed a Clean and Build on the Project, it suddenly stopped working :/


据我所知,该文件必须在 'this' 类所在的文件夹中,即不在 中WEB-INF/classes 但嵌套更深(除非你在默认包中编写):

To my knowledge the file has to be right in the folder where the 'this' class resides, i.e. not in WEB-INF/classes but nested even deeper (unless you write in a default package):


将文件放入您的 java 源代码应该可以工作,编译器将该文件与类文件一起复制.

Putting the file in to your java sources should work, compiler copies that file together with class files.

这篇关于getResourceAsStream() 总是返回 null的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 09:22