

我试图弄清楚为什么我的代码中出现上述错误.该程序假设使用给定两个输入参数的牛顿拉夫森法来查找4 bar连杆中连杆的位置.

I'm trying to figure out why the above error came up in my code. The program is suppose to use the Newton Raphson Method to find the position of links in a 4 bar linkage given two input parameters.


g1 = L1 * np.cos(theta) + L2 * np.cos(alpha) - L3


import numpy as np

L2=1.5 * L1
theta = 40 * np.pi / 180

#initial guesses

L3 = 1.5
alpha = 30 * np.pi / 180
epsilon = 1
n = 0

while epsilon > 0.0001:
    g1 = L1 * np.cos(theta) + L2 * np.cos(alpha) - L3
    dg1dalpha = -L2 * np.sin(alpha)
    dg1dL3 = -1;

    g2 = L1 * np.sin(theta) - L2 * np.sin(alpha)
    dg2dalpha = -L2 * np.cos(alpha);
    dg2dL3 = 0

    J = np.array([[dg1dalpha, dg1dL3], [dg2dalpha, dg2dL3]])

    s = np.array([[alpha], [L3]]) - J/np.array([[g1], [g2]])

    epsilon_alpha = abs(s[0] - alpha)

    epsilon_L3 = abs(s[1] - L3)

    epsilon = max(epsilon_alpha.all, epsilon_L3.all)

    alpha = s[0]

    L3 = s[1]

    n = n + 1

print(n, alpha, L3)



In Python2.7 adding a print('alpha',alpha) at the start of the loop produces:

('alpha', 0.5235987755982988)
('alpha', array([ 1.85083849,  2.29325173]))
('alpha', array([[array([ 1.98227296,  1.95343536]), 1.7138098231972174],
       [array([ 1.81303794,  1.7604074 ]), 2.2932517265367176]], dtype=object))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "stack32444132.py", line 17, in <module>
    g1 = L1 * np.cos(theta) + L2 * np.cos(alpha) - L3
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'cos'

因此,错误是由调用np.cos(alpha)引起的,其中alpha是对象数组. alpha(2,2);第一列包含长度为2的数组;第二个包含浮点数.

So the error is caused by calling np.cos(alpha) where alpha is an object array. alpha is (2,2); the 1st column contains length 2 arrays; the 2nd contains floats.


So at some point in the loop you are appending or conconatenating arrays or lists of different length.

s = np.array([[alpha], [L3]]) - J/np.array([[g1], [g2]])
alpha = s[0]


adding some more prints (before s)

('J', (2, 2), dtype('float64'))
('alpha', 0.5235987755982988)
('L3', 1.5)
('J', (2, 2), dtype('O'))
('alpha', array([ 1.85083849,  2.29325173]))
('L3', array([-10.61649234,   1.5       ]))


In the 2nd loop J changes from a 2x2 matrix of floats to a 2x2 of objects.

在第一次遇到epsilon = max(epsilon_alpha.all, epsilon_L3.all)表达式时,Python3会引发一个错误. epsilon_alpha.all是一种方法; epsilon_alpha.all()是布尔值.但是,即使当epsilon_alpha成为数组时,也会产生错误.

Python3 raises an error earlier, at the first encounter of the epsilon = max(epsilon_alpha.all, epsilon_L3.all) expression. epsilon_alpha.all is a method; epsilon_alpha.all() is a boolean. But even that produces an error when epsilon_alpha becomes an array.


OK, this loop runs (alpha remains a scalar); it doesn't stop, presumably because epsilon does not get small enough; but I'll leave that to you.

while epsilon > 0.0001:
    # print('alpha', alpha)
    g1 = L1 * np.cos(theta) + L2 * np.cos(alpha) - L3
    dg1dalpha = -L2 * np.sin(alpha)
    dg1dL3 = -1;

    g2 = L1 * np.sin(theta) - L2 * np.sin(alpha)
    dg2dalpha = -L2 * np.cos(alpha);
    dg2dL3 = 0

    J = np.array([[dg1dalpha, dg1dL3], [dg2dalpha, dg2dL3]])
    print('J', J.shape,J.dtype)  # (2,2) floats
    s = np.array([[alpha], [L3]]) - J/np.array([[g1], [g2]])
    s = s[:,0]  # fudge to turn (2,2) array into a (2,) array

    epsilon_alpha = abs(s[0] - alpha)
    epsilon_L3 = abs(s[1] - L3)
    epsilon = max(epsilon_alpha, epsilon_L3)
    # max on 2 scalars is ok

    alpha = s[0] # scalar
    L3 = s[1]    # scalar
    n = n + 1


 s = np.array([[alpha], [L3]]) - J/np.array([[g1], [g2]])

如果alphaL3是标量,则np.array([[alpha], [L3]])(2,1). np.array([[g1], [g2]])也是.但是由于J是(2,2),所以s也是(2,2).但是您一直在使用s[0]s[1],显然假设s是`(2,).

If alpha and L3 are scalars, then np.array([[alpha], [L3]]) is (2,1). So is np.array([[g1], [g2]]). But since J is (2,2), s is also (2,2). But you've been using s[0] and s[1], evidently assuming s is `(2,).

 s = s[:,0]


makes s a (2,) so the rest of the code works. Since epsilon does not converge it probably is the wrong fix.


May I stress - when developing numpy code, pay close attention to the array shapes. If the shapes are wrong you'll get errors like this. In my experience getting the shapes right is 80% of the debugging work.


08-20 09:00