


Is there a way to make argparse recognize anything between two quotes as a single argument? It seems to keep seeing the dashes and assuming that it's the start of a new option


mainparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = mainparser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand')
parser = subparsers.add_parser('queue')
parser.add_argument('-env', '--extraEnvVars', type=str,
                        help='String of extra arguments to be passed to model.')
...other arguments added to parser...


python Application.py queue -env "-s WHATEVER -e COOL STUFF"


Application.py queue: error: argument -env/--extraEnvVars: expected one argument


If I leave off the first dash, it works totally fine, but it's kind of crucial that I be able to pass in a string with dashes in it. I've tried escaping it with \ , which causes it to succeed but adds the \ to the argument string Does anyone know how to get around this? This happens whether or not -s is an argument in parser.

我正在使用Python 2.7.

I'm using Python 2.7.

python Application.py -env " -env"


python Application.py -env "-env"


看起来这实际上是一个已经在讨论中的错误: http://www.gossamer -threads.com/lists/python/bugs/89529 ,.仅在2.7中存在,而在optparse中不存在.

Looks like this is actually a bug that's being debated already: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/python/bugs/89529, http://python.6.x6.nabble.com/issue9334-argparse-does-not-accept-options-taking-arguments-beginning-with-dash-regression-from-optp-td578790.html. It's only in 2.7 and not in optparse.

当前打开的错误报告为: http://bugs.python.org/issue9334

The current open bug report is: http://bugs.python.org/issue9334


您可以使用空格python tst.py -e ' -e blah'来启动自变量,这是一个非常简单的解决方法.如果愿意,只需lstrip()将其恢复正常的选项.

You can start the argument with a space python tst.py -e ' -e blah' as a very simple workaround. Simply lstrip() the option to put it back to normal, if you like.

或者,如果第一个子参数"也不是原始函数的有效参数,那么您根本不需要执行任何操作.也就是说,python tst.py -e '-s hi -e blah'不起作用的唯一原因是因为-stst.py的有效选项.

Or, if the first "sub-argument" is not also a valid argument to the original function then you shouldn't need to do anything at all. That is, the only reason that python tst.py -e '-s hi -e blah' doesn't work is because -s is a valid option to tst.py.

此外,现已弃用的 optparse 模块可以正常使用.

Also, the optparse module, now deprecated, works without any issue.


08-20 07:51