

我有一个问题.我想使用 python 向某个主机发送连续的字节流一段时间(假设为 1 分钟).

I have a question. I'd like to send a continuous streams of byte to some host for certain amount of time (let's say 1 minute) using python.


#! /usr/bin/env python

import socket
import thread
import time

IP = ""
PADDING = "a" * 1000 #assume the MTU is slighly above 1000
DATA = PADDING + "this is sentence number = "
PORT = 14444
killed = False
test_time = 60 #60 seconds of testing

def send_data():
  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  s.connect((IP, PORT))
  count = 1
  starttime = time.clock()
  while elapsed < test_time:
    sent = s.send(DATA + str(count) + "
    if sent == 0: break # assume that if nothing is sent -> connection died
    count = count+1
    elapsed = time.clock() - starttime
    if killed:
  print str(count) + " has been sent"

print "to quit type quit"
thread.start_new_thread(send_data, ())

while True:
  var = raw_input("Enter something: ")
  if var == "quit":
    killed = True

几个问题,除了每次轮询 time.clock 之外,有没有更好的方法让线程在 60 秒后死亡?当我运行这个程序时,它会正确发送字节,但是当我输入退出时,另一个线程不会死,即使我设置了 var Killed = True.我想知道这是为什么?var Killed 的作用域应该到达另一个线程了吧?

Few question, is there a better way to let a thread die after 60 seconds other than polling the time.clock every time?When I run this program, it sends the bytes correctly but when I typed quit the other thread won't die, even though I set the var killed = True. I wonder why is that? the scope of var Killed should reach the other thread right?



我推荐使用线程模块.更大的好处是使用 InterruptableThread 来终止线程.您不必使用标志来终止您的线程,但如果您从父线程调用该线程的 terminate() 会发生异常.您可以处理或不处理异常.

I recommned using threading module. Even more benefit is to use InterruptableThread for terminating the thread. You do not have to use flag for terminating your thread but exception will occur if you call terminate() on this thread from parent. You can handle exception or not.

import threading, ctypes

class InterruptableThread(threading.Thread):
def _async_raise(cls, tid, excobj):
    res = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, ctypes.py_object(excobj))
    if res == 0:
        raise ValueError("nonexistent thread id")
    elif res > 1:
        ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, 0)
        raise SystemError("PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc failed")

def raise_exc(self, excobj):
    assert self.isAlive(), "thread must be started"
    for tid, tobj in threading._active.items():
        if tobj is self:
            self._async_raise(tid, excobj)

def terminate(self):

您可以使用另一个等待 1 分钟然后杀死另一个线程的线程来重写您的代码

You can rewrite your code like this using another thread that is waiting 1 minute and then killing your other thread

def send_data:
    IP = ...
    # other vars

    s = socket.socket(.....)

    # no killed checking
    # no time checking
    # just do your work here

my_thread = InterruptableThread(target=send_data)

def one_minute_kill(who):

killer_thread = InterruptableThread(target=one_minute_kill, args=[my_thread])

print "to quit type quit"
while my_thread.isAlive():
  if raw_input("Enter something: ") == "quit":


08-20 06:05