Let's say I have a table making a junction between two tables... like this:
id_product | id_category
11 | 22
11 | 33
12 | 22
12 | 33
I want to get id_products (distinct) according to a list of searched categories IDs.
If I use the IN() clause, the list of id_categories uses a logical OR.
How can I make a SELECT query to have logical ANDs for the list of id_categ submitted??
示例:我希望所有属于类别22 AND 33的id_products(可能还有5个以上的类别ID)
Example: I want all the id_products belonging to category 22 AND 33 (and possibly 5+ more Categ. IDs)
我找到了这个答案:将MySQL IN子句全部包含在内(AND代替的)...但是该查询混合了多个表...我只想查询单个表,即联结表.
I found this answer:Using MySQL IN clause as all inclusive (AND instead of OR)...but the query is mixing more than 1 table... I only want a query on a single table, the junction one.
reading your link, I think it would be something like
select id_product
from yourTable
where id_category in (--your List goes Here)
group by id_product
having count(distinct id_category) = NumberOfElementsOfYourList
如果只想获取该id_category,而没有其他id_category,则应使用=.如果没有,请使用> =
you should use = if only wants to get that id_category, but no others id_category.If not, use >=