My question has to do with the physical meaning of the results of doing a spectral analysis of a signal, or of throwing the signal into an FFT and interpreting what comes out using a suitable numerical package,
- 获取信号,例如时变电压v(t)
- 将其放入FFT(您会得到一个复数序列)
- 现在取模数(abs)并平方结果,即| fft(v)| ^ 2.
So you now have real numbers on the y axis -- shall I call these spectral coefficients?
- 使用采样分辨率,遵循食谱食谱,并将频谱系数与频率相关联.
- 在这个点上,您有一个频谱g(w),其频率在x轴上,但是在y轴上有什么物理单位?
My understanding is that this frequency spectrum shows how much of the various frequencies are present in the voltage signal -- they are spectral coefficients in the sense that they are the coefficients of the sines and cosines of the various frequencies required to reconstitute the original signal.
The reason this matters is that spectral coefficients can be tiny and enormous, so I want to use a dB scale to represent them.
But to do that, I have to make a choice:
- 我要么使用20log10 dB转换,要么对应于像电压这样的现场测量.
- 或者我使用10log10 dB转换,这与能量测量(例如功率)相对应.
Any light shed on this would be greatly appreciated!
单位是 V ,值是实数.
单位仍然是 V ,值很复杂(不是 V/Hz -直流信号的FFT变成直流电平的点,而不是狄拉克三角函数的缩放转到无穷大)
units are still V, values are complex ( not V/Hz - the FFT a DC signal becomes a point at the DC level, not an dirac delta function zooming off to infinity )
单位仍然是 V ,值是实数-信号分量的大小
units are still V, values are real - magnitude of signal components
单位现在是 V ,值是实数-信号分量的大小的平方
units are now V, values are real - square of magnitudes of signal components
It's closer to an power density rather than usual use of spectral coefficient. If your sink is a perfect resistor, it will be power, but if your sink is frequency dependent it's "the square of the magnitude of the FFT of the input voltage".
单位是 V
You've already squared the voltage values, giving equivalent power into a perfect 1 Ohm resistor, so use 10log10.
log(x )是 2 log(x),因此 20log10 | fft(v)| = 10log10(| fft(v)| ),因此,如果您不对值取平方,则可以使用20log10.
log(x) is 2 log(x), so 20log10 |fft(v)| = 10log10 ( |fft(v)|), so alternatively if you did not square the values you could use 20log10.